Notes from the Underground, Part 3

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Meet Stonebiter, Razorfist and Quarry. They may look like monsters, but these poor souls were once ordinary people. - Mikey

Till the Shredder's mad scientists performed horrible genetic experiments on 'em. - Tasneem

Experiments that'll eventually leave them mindless like these other examples of Shredder's handiwork. -  Leo

The only thing keeping Quarry and his pals safe is a crystal powered force field, but now the crystal's all burned out and the only place to get another one is the Forbidden Zone. - Raph 

But we have no choice, so we all head down there anyway. And that's when all shell breaks loose. - Jesse

Suddenly Donny and Cheye was gone, and I swear, someone's gonna pay. - Jamey

The mindless mutants draw closer to the turtles and their three mutant allies. "Donnie! No! No! Donnie? Donnie!" Raph calls into the tunnel. "Raph, get away from there!" Jamey said to him as she runs over to him as the mindless mutants roar and growl, moving nearer then Jamey and Raph suddenly hears a whirring sound. "Wha--?" Jamey said to herself. "Look out!" Raph yelled and he pushes Jamey to the floor as a bola flies past them. "Whoa!" Raph said as the bola strikes the Spider Monster as it leaps at the turtles and Quarry, and the Spider vanishes. The Insectoid Monster leaps on top of Razorfist. Another bola comes whirling through the cavern and strikes both of them, making them disappear. "Razorfist!" Tasneem yelled it's name. "Leo, what the shell's going on?" Jesse asks him as King Nail attacks Stonebiter and they wrestle on the ground. Quarry runs to help Stonebiter, but King Nail knocks Quarry away with his tail. Another bola twirls towards the fighting pair and strikes Stonebiter just as King Nail pushes him back and Stonebiter vanishes. "My baby!" Tasneem yelled. "Come on you ugly troll, show me what you got." Mikey said to King Nail rises to its full height and roars. "Okay, I'm impressed." Mikey said to it as the group backs towards the dark tunnel. "Okay, now what?" Mikey asks them. "Come on, whatever's through this door can't be worse than this." Leo said to them. "I hope those don't become famous last words, Leo." Tasneem said to him as the group backs into the tunnel. "Quarry, go!" Jesse yelled at him as the remaining mindless mutants walk towards them making Quarry turns to flee. Jesse grabs the crystal from the activation slot and the heavy door closes. King Nail rams into it and then both he and the Ram Horn Monster try to break through but the door doesn't give.

Inside the tunnel, the turtles and Quarry turn to see another opening, through which a bright glow is showing so they approach the opening. "Be ready for anything." Jesse said to them while she was still holding the crystal. They are stunned to see a large city in the middle of a river of lava. "We shouldn't be here. This is-- this is a necropolis, a City of the Dead." Quarry said to them getting scared. "You know, if there's one thing that creeps me out more than monster movies, it's a City of the Dead." Mikey said to them while he holds onto Tasneem. "We're not leaving. Whatever's haunting this place has made the mistake of snatching one of ours." Leo said to them while Jesse puts the crystal in her belt. "And we'll level this whole city just to get them back." Raph said to them then slashes through the tip of a small rock formation with his sai. "Easy, Raphie." Jamey said to him while she places her hands on Raph's shoulders. "Hey, guys. I found a way down there." Leo said to them. "Don't you always?" Tasneem said to him.

The group round a corner to join Leo, who is standing next to an Y'Lyntian tram which is attached to a crystal cable. The cable is suspended from the rocky cliff, stretches out over the lava, and connects to the city. "That's seems so fun." Tasneem said to herself while looking at the lava. "Uh, maybe we better find us a different ride." Raph said to them. "What are you talking about? It's fine." Leo said to them as he steps onto the tram's ramp making the tram creaks and shifts. "Okay, maybe not so fine." Leo said to them with a smile. "It doesn't look safe." Tasneem said to Leo. "Look, see?" Leo said to them and he walks up the ramp and the tram bounces slightly. "Leo, don't." Jesse said to him. "There's no way I'm getting in that thing." Mikey said to them. "It'll hold us." Leo said to them while Jesse looks into the tram to see a control panel. "Okay." Jesse said to herself as she  gets into the tram and she walks over to the control panel. "Find something?" Leo asks her while he walks over to her. "I find the control panel and it looks like our crystal will power it." Jesse said to him then the group hears the monsters growling. The others spot the two large mutants and just by the sight of them, the group runs for the tram. "Well, what are you waiting for!" Raph yelled. "Go, go, go!" Mikey yelled then Jesse jams the crystal into the control panel. The entry ramp closes as the two large mutants near the tram and before they reach it, the tram starts moving. Both of the mutants leap off the cliff and onto the top of the tram, shaking it violently. King Nail jabs one of his giant claws through the roof of the tram and Cyclops pounds the roof with his fists and stomps with his foot. Suddenly there was a cloaked figure by the cliff, watches the scene for a second, and then throws a pair of crystal bola. The bola encircle the two large mutants and zaps them away. Unfortunately, the crystal cable snaps in two and this causes the tram to fall towards the lava below. "Whoa!" The group screams. "Jump now!" Jesse yelled as the tram strikes a giant stalagmite, which pierces the bottom of the tram. The tram slides down the stalagmite, and the transport begins to break apart. The turtles and Quarry leap from the tram and land safely on the ground below. The force of the impact causes the stalagmite to crack and it begins to fall, directly towards where Quarry is standing. "Oh!" Quarry scream making the turtles turn as the giant mass of rock falls on top of Quarry. "Quarry!" Leo yelled as the turtles approach the rubble then there's a spitting sound, and green acid begins melting the rock. Quarry climbs partway out and then spits again, melting more rock. Quarry leaps down to the ground and then looks over at the turtles. Mikey was scratching his head while Tasneem looks at Quarry with a look. "We are designed to handle such adversity." Quarry said to them.

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