8. dinner with the devils

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NIGHT fell too quickly for Daemerys liking

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NIGHT fell too quickly for Daemerys liking. Rhaenyra helped Daemerys into the tub, gathering soap into her hand and washed away the blood from the woman's skin. The two sat in silence, Daemerys staring at a lit candle that was placed on a table beside the tub.

She could hear her father and brothers talking in her room, Jace questioning why she wanted to marry Aemond, it didn't make sense to him — they hated each other.

Daemerys frowned and hugged her knees as her mother washed her hair. "What made you want to propose such a thing, my girl?", Rhaenyra spoke softly when she noticed the frown on her face.

"I had a nightmare. A vision", she mumbled in response, wanting to forget about it but it had been on her mind more frequently than not.

"Was it bad?".


Rhaenyra frowned herself at that, understanding why her daughter would marry the prince if it meant her nightmare wouldn't come true.

After she was ready, the family set off to join the rest of their family for supper but Daemerys held back for a moment, Daemon and Rhaenyra shuffling her brothers along telling them they'd be there soon.

The parents watched the woman for a moment as she stared at the floor, "I don't want to go", she told them, looking up. Her purple dress fitted her nicely, hair done up to frame her face and she smelled of lavender from her bath.

Daemon walked toward her, "No, you go out there with your head held high and show them cunts that you are Daemerys Targaryen. You took a man's head today, don't shy away now".

Daemerys looked at her him for a moment before taking a deep breath, Daemon clutched both of her hands as she did so — encouraging her. "Okay", she spoke with determination that made him smile.

THE BASTARD AND THE PRINCE.   aemond targaryen Where stories live. Discover now