22. your still a traitor

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BETRAYAL was a funny thing

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BETRAYAL was a funny thing. Being betrayed by someone you love hurt, it was meant to hurt otherwise why would they do it? Being betrayed by Aemond — the father or Daemerys' child was enough for her to sit in silence in the corner of her chambers.

Criston and Alys watched the women silently from across the room. Daemerys had her back pressed against the wall, legs laid out in front of her — hands rubbing her belling softly.

Questions piled in her head, one after the other but the question she wanted the answer to most was out of reach because she knew that if she asked him, that would be it — they would be over and she couldn't stomach the possibility of that.

"Daemerys", Alys hesitated but when the woman looked up at her with tear filled eyes, she hastily walked over and embraced her gently in her arms.

Criston hated the young prince in this moment, he couldn't understand why Aemond would do such a thing especially to his wife. It reminded him of how he treated the princesses mother, Rhaenyra and seeing the look on Daemerys' face was enough to look away in regret of his own actions.

Her heart ached, Daemerys felt shattered — she didn't even hear the door open or Criston and Alys leave. She didn't see him. She wanted her father. She wanted Daemon.

Her father would comfort her, tell her it would be okay before killing Aemond — the thought almost made her laugh. Almost. Everything she knew about her life brought her back to Aemond, her whole life was shaped around him. She loved him. She loves him. That's why this feeling of dread and disgust hurt so much because she was disgusted by her own husband.

"My love", his voice sent a chill down her spine. It used to be a good chill but in this moment it felt nothing but sickening.

Daemerys wiped her tears with the back of her hand and sneered up at him, "You do not speak to me", her voice came out

Aemond ran a hand down his face, he understood her frustration but he wanted his wife to see it from his point of view. Everything he did was for his family. He thought that Daemerys of all people would understand that. "Let me explain".

THE BASTARD AND THE PRINCE.   aemond targaryen Where stories live. Discover now