20. happy endings, maybe?

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DAEMERYS had been surprised when she arrived in her chambers to see a woman standing by her window, "Excuse me?"

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DAEMERYS had been surprised when she arrived in her chambers to see a woman standing by her window, "Excuse me?".

The woman turned, the moonlight from the open window cascaded down her pale face, her complexion was soft, her dark black hair faded down her back as she stood in a black dress. "Daemerys", even her voice was soft but rough around the edges.

Daemerys' face fell before she pulled up her gown and took her blade out — holding it in front of her and caressing her belly subconsciously. The woman's eyes drifted as she let out a pleasant hum. "I'll have you know, I have a very good friend who also happens to be my guard. All I have to do is scream and he'll come running", her eyes narrowed then, "Unless I get to you first".

The woman smiled softly, "Do not fret, my princess".

Princess? What the f—

"I am a friend".

Daemerys laughed sarcastically and cocked her head, "Oh really? Whom, may I ask?". The woman was beautiful, she had a natural glow to her, almost breathtaking, but beautiful women were to never be trusted.

"Yours. You came to me in a dream, you needed my help", she glided across the room, her hand raised and the blade fell from her hand — Daemerys felt her eyes widen and mouth open.

"What the fuck?", her eyes then darted to the mysterious woman, "Who are you?".

"Alys. Alys Rivers".

"And Alys Rivers what brings you to my chambers with this", she motions to the blade now on the floor, "witchy voodoo— witchy business?", Daemerys watched as Alys' expression turned to amused as she sat on a chair by the fire — her hand motioning for her to sit.

Daemerys hesitated before sitting opposite her, "I saw you in a dream I had, you needed my help".

"Your help with what exactly?", she hadn't meant to sound rude but she didn't know the woman, for all she knew Alys could be buying time to kill her.

THE BASTARD AND THE PRINCE.   aemond targaryen Where stories live. Discover now