14. please don't hurt me

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COLD. The night was cold and damp, rain trickled down the stone of the castle, leaving the air to feel cool yet musty.

After their departure from the library, Daemerys walked down the hall to her chambers with a smile on her face, Criston raised an eyebrow at her but she scoffed and invited him in for tea.

Before he could refuse, the woman burst into her chambers and grabbed him to force him inside — keeping the door open so they couldn't be accused of any informalities.

"I simply cannot believe you threw my father off his horse", Daemerys giggled as she poured tea into two cups.

Criston rolled his eyes as he sat opposite her by the fireplace, a smile of his own stretched across his features, "Well believe it, Daemerys, it is true and he was awfully angry about it".

"Of course he would be, that man is angry by nature. Though I must say, I have never been on the receiving ends of one of his many temper tantrums", Daemerys sipped her tea quietly as the man hummed.

It was true, her father had never raised his voice at her even when she broke his favourite vase.

"That is because you're his favourite", Criston laughed when she scoffed.

"That is not true", Daemerys furrowed her brows with intrigue — was she Daemons favourite?

Criston jested about her time with Aemond and wondered if she was excited for their wedding. Daemerys thought about it for a moment, "When I proposed our marriage I was doing it for the alliance, my vision of our families destruction stopped after that. But now I've actually spent time with Aemond, it's different. I didn't expect it to, I thought I hated him and suppose I did for a short while but I can't find it in myself to now. I find myself wanting to marry Aemond".

THE BASTARD AND THE PRINCE.   aemond targaryen Where stories live. Discover now