halloween costume? - dd.

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alina's crib.📍
1:24 pm
alina's pov

About 15 minutes ago, I got a call from ddot telling me to meet him, dd, and notti at the court. I declined because I was online everywhere trying to figure out what me and dd could be for halloween.

There was going to be a party on halloween night, which was in 3 days. And best believe ever since dd told me, I looked for something we could dress up as together. I def did not want some childish ass costume, and dd didn't either.

It wasn't easy trying to convince him to do a couples costume with me, but eventually he gave in. he actually said it might be fun.

As I was looking through pintrest, the perfect costume came across my screen. it was quincy and monica, love & basketball.

I smiled so big, and i was actually happy because I know this is probably the only costume dd would agree too. I saved the picture, and then grabbed my phone, facetiming dd.

"ma why you ain't come to the court?" he asked as soon as he picked up the phone. He was sweaty and out of breath from playing basketball.

"im sorryyy. but i was just too busy, real shit." i said dramatically. "with what?" he asked, laughing.

"our costumesss." i smiled. "nahh not this shit again." he smiled as he ran his hand down his face.
"stop you'll actually like it." i said.

"quincy and monica." i giggled. "damnn that's actually fire." he said as he looked at me through the phone.

"for real?" i asked, because i couldn't tell if he was playin. "for real baby. ima see you later okay?" he smiled as he looked away from the phone. They probably wanted him to play another game.

"okay be safe, i love you." i told him. "i love you ma heart." and with that, he hung up. I immediately went back on my computer, finding the right outfits for us to wear on halloween.

dd and I walked into the party, and i immediately felt eyes on us. not everyone, but definitely some. dd rested his hand on the bottom of my back as he guided me through the house, with a big smile on his face.

We went to the kitchen, where ddot, notti, eva, and jay were. "you guys look so cuteee." eva and jay said, as they came up to hug me. "thank youu." i smiled brightly.

eventually, we separated. me, jay, and eva were in the backyard, while dd, ddot, and notti were still inside. we had just been smoking, and drinking. so i was def high, and tipsy.

"y'all im like so inlove." eva said out of no where. she had been sitting there quietly staring off, so i guess she was thinking about notti.

"y'all are too cute." jay said as she smiled at her friend. "rightt!" i added on.

"we haven't said i love you yet, but we've been dating for almost 4 fuckin months. is that likeee?" eva trailed off.

"i don't know baby. you know how notti is, he's probably just really nervous. you're his first serious relationship. but he does love you, i promise." i reassured her.

she smiled as she looked down, trying to hide her red face. i smiled to myself, feeling glad i can help my friends.

jay was about to speak up, but was cutoff when we all heard our favorite song playing. "AYEE!" all 3 of us said as we stood up, and rushed inside the house.

as we got to the big living room, everyone was crowded around sone people dancing, but we made our way to the middle.

of course, we had to throw some ass. as we were in the middle of literally shakin on eachother, notti grabbed eva's arm. and he looked maddd.

he dragged her upstairs, and we all knew what for.

as me and jay continued to do our shit, i felt someone come up behind me. i was a little nervous because if it wasn't dd, i was done for.

i turned around and sighed in relief when i saw dd staring down at me. "why'd you stop mama." he whispered as he ran his hand down my back, bending me over.


"you trynna go to the photo booth." i asked him as i turned to face him, and looked in his eyes. he slowly nodded his head as a smile came to his face.

we made our way to the photo booth which was in a room next to the kitchen. luckily, no one was in it. I slowly pulled back the curtain, revealing the small booth with a little red bench.

I smiled as we got in, and sat down. immediately, dd grabbed me by my neck and started kissing me. i mean, was i complaining? no.

i kissed him back and ran my hands through his hair, as he quickly pulled me on his lap. he stopped, and started kissing on my neck. shit felt good as fuck.

"dd." i sighed. i pressed my lips together tightly when i felt him leaving hickeys on my neck.

"dd i wanna actually take pictures." i giggled as i got off of him, and fixed my costume. i sat back next to him and looked at the screen.

"you look good." he whispered as he rested his hand on my inner thigh. i smiled at him before i pressed the 'start' on the screen.

for the first photo, i held dd's face in one of my hands, and squished his cheeks together as we both laughed.

for the second, we both held a finger under our nose.

for the 3rd, dd turned to me and kissed me, but blocked our mouths with his hand.

and for the last one, i quickly got on his lap again, my back facing him. i held up my middle finger, and dd grabbed my boobs from behind.😋

i stuck my tounge out as his bottom lip was tucked in between his teeth, and waited for the picture to be taken.

after the pictures came out, i smiled at them, then kissed dd on his cheek.

"i love youu." dd said as he pulled me in for a hug.

"i love youuu." i said in the same tone as i giggled, holding the pictures tightly in my hand.

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