happy birthday - ddot. *

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Alina's crib.📍
ddot's pov
mature content!! y'all this abt to be real bad. prepare yourself😘

I watched alina from across the living room. Her, jay, and eva were dancing to some music they put on the tv, while me, notti, and dd watched them from the couch. my eyes were stuckkk on lina. she was wearing black nike pros, and a tank top. and she looked so good, i want her.

we were all pretty tired, but it was still her birthday so we stayed up. we all hung out the whole day, and celebrated alina. she deserves it.

Alina's pov

Me, eva, and jay just got done dancing to our favoriteee song. and we went all out cause that's our song for real. They went and sat back on the couch, while i went to the kitchen to get a drink.

I bent over to get a water bottle from the fridge, and turned around when i heard footsteps. I saw ddot standing on the other side of the counter, just looking at me.

"whatt weirdo." i laughed as i carefully shut the fridge. I opened my water, and started drinking it as ddot spoke up.

"you look mad good mamas." he said, as he started to walk towards me. i immediately felt butterflies.

the thing is, me and ddot weren't together together. I mean we were together, but without the relationship title. it was complicated, and i always find myself wishing we could be official, but i don't know if he does too.

"thank you." i giggled. he always made me so nervous, so i never knew what to say.

He stood in front of me, and placed his warm hands on my waist, making my heart beat faster.

"beso." he whispered as he looked down at me. i didn't hesitate, and i quickly pressed my lips against his. we made out for a while, before he started to get more touchy. this nigga forgetting that our friends are in the other room.

"d." i mumbled against his lips. i didn't wanna get caught, but i didn't wanna stop either.

i felt him smirk against my lips, as he picked me up and placed me ontop of the counter. lorddd.

i wrapped my hands around his neck, while he rested his hands on my upper thighs. he slowly trailed his lips down to my neck, before leaving a hickey.

"darrien! they're gonna see!" i whispered angrily. i mean i'm happy he did that, but our friends never stop wit the teasing.

"chill outtt." he whispered as he pecked my lips, then went down and kissed my jawline. before going back to my neck.

i was enjoying it, until notti's loud ass had to say something, like always.

"damnn they gettin freaky on the counter!" he yelled as he ran back into the living room.

"this nigga." ddot chuckled, before pecking my lips once again. he helped me off the counter, and we slowly walked back into the living room.

"anywayyy. we're gonna play a game." jay said excitingly.

"like whattt." i dragged out, as i sat next to ddot. he immediately put his hand on my thigh, and i put my hand over his.

"soo it's like 7 minutes in heaven or whatever the fuck that shits called. but we're gonna do it different. we have to look at eachother, and whoever fold first, loses." jay stated.

"that's it?" i laughed. i guess i could do that.

"yeah but like you can touch eachother, do whatever. just no kissing and shit. if you fold, you lose." she shrugged her shoulders as she finished her sentence.

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