period - notti.

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alina's crib

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alina's crib.📍
9:24 pm
alina's pov

I woke up with my period today, and i was miserable. i did not wanna do nothinnnn. i didn't wanna leave my houseee. i didn't wanna talk to anyoneeee.

besides notti.

"mamasss you fallin asleep?" notti asked from the other end of facetime.

"no." i mumbled, as i opened my eyes fully, making him giggle.

"okayy. we about to come get you. we filmin'." notti said, making me groan. i genuinely did not wanna get up. atleast i'll see notti though.

"who's we?" i said as i got up, and made my way to the bathroom. i set my phone on the counter, and started brushing my teeth.

"me, noti, dd, and ddot." he said as he smiled in the camera, and took pictures of me brushing my teeth. i laughed and covered my face.

"stopp." i mumbled, before covering my mouth to spit out the toothpaste. i rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash, before going to my room. i was just wearing an oversized shirt w no pants, so obviously i had to change.

"whatchu doin?" notti asked, since my phone was facing the ceiling. "oh my bad. i'm getting changeddd." i dragged out as i set my phone up at my vanity, and moved to the side to my closet. i picked out a white crop top, grey leggings, and white nike socks. i was def not gonna dress up.

"mhm. show the angles righttt." notti mumbled, as he took a hit from the blunt he held. he was outside, so i guessed he was walking to noti's car.

"boyyy." i giggled before i moved out of the camera, and got changed. "it ain't nothing i neva seen before ma." he said, making me widen my eyes.

"shut upp. bye e." i smiled, seeing he was getting into notti's car. i blew a kiss into the camera, and i watched as he sat down in the front seat.

"i love you. be there soon." he said, before he blew a kiss back. it was something we always did before hanging up.

"nah this nigga's whipped!" i heard noti laughing in the back. this nigga already starting. "you already know, dickhead!" i yelled, making sure he could hear me.

"she mine foreva." notti mugged noti, before slapping him in his forehead. "whatever lil nigga." noti said before starting the car. we hung up, and i just waited for them to get here.

*10 minutes later*

I walked across the street, literally hugging myself since it was so cold. notti was in the front seat, but got out as he saw me walking over.

"wassup baby." he whispered as i wrapped my arms around him. he wrapped his arms around my head, and kissed my forehead.

"you smell good." i said, making him laugh.
"thank you ma. you good?" he asked, as he lifted my head with his hand.

"mhm. i missed you." i whispered as i wrapped my arms around his neck, and leaned up to kiss him. he kissed me back, and pulled me closer by my waist.

it lasted for like 25 seconds, before noti's loud ass rolled down his window, and started screaming at us as he pointed the camera at us.

"look at these nasty ass kids! y'all are babiessss get in the car." he yelled, making us pull away from eachother.

"bro." i sucked my teeth. i went to open the door, but notti stopped me.

"here mama. you cold i can tell." he said as he took his hoodie off, and slipped it on me. "thank youu." i smiled before kissing him on his cheek. he opened the front door for me to sit, and i was happy because there was no fuckin way i was sitting in the back wit dd and ddot.

"wassup ma hearts." i said as i turned in the seat, and dapped up ddot and dd. "wassup sis." they both said, as i turned back around.

"DAMNNN NO HEY BEST?" noti yelled from beside me, as he grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me back and forth.

"chill brooo." i laughed, as i playfully slapped his chest away.

"aii lina gzzzz. today you a boutta react to this ugly niggas musicccc." he said as he turned around, and slapped notti's knee. which made notti quickly slap him in the side of his head.

"i already haveeee." i said as i grabbed noti's shirt, and got all up in his face.

"what about his unreleasedddd?" he dragged out. he was always doing that shit. "that's my nigga bro duh!" i said back.

"well ima play it, and we gon get HYPE!" he yelled. right after he said that, he started playing 'what you wanna do' which was one of my favorites.

we allll got real hyped, until the song ended. i turned around and smiled when i saw notti smiling back. i was so proud of him.

"anyway, can we got food noti?" i asked as i turned to him. i was reallyyy craving mc donald's fries.

"lil girl whatchu want?" he asked, as he pointed in my face. "back up yo. and i want fries." i said, giving him a small smile.

"you really boutta make me drive to get FRIES? i should boommmm you." he said as he pressed his finger into my forehead.

"boom who nigga?" notti mugged him as he grabbed onto noti's shirt, and slammed him against his seat.

"boom who?" he said as he got all up in noti's face, and started slapping him. "aii you got it you got it!" noti said, trying to get notti to stop hitting him.

i watched from my seat, laughing.

"she wants fries, so go get em." notti said before he slapped noti's face one more time, and sat back down.

"i don't know why i listen to you lil nigga's." noti said as he started the car.

the video ended around an hour ago, and notti and i just went back to my house. he was gonna stay the night, and i was so grateful. he's the only person i could really stand being around. but right now, he was playing gta on my computer, wit dd and ddot.

he was also yelling, but i was tired. and had really bad cramps.

"notti." i called out. my voice quiet and low, since i was half asleep.

"yeah ma?" he asked, but still faced the screen.
"shh." i said, as i held onto my blanket.

"you good?" he asked as he turned around, and took his headset off.

"yeah, i just have cramps and wanna sleep." i whispered, and yawned shortly after.

"im sorry. i'ma' lay witchu'." he smiled down at me, before going and leaving the game.

i smiled to myself as i watched him get in my bed, and lay next to me.

i moved as close as i could to him, but groaned at the feeling of my cramps getting worse. always when i move istg.

notti must've noticed, because he slid his warm hand under my shirt, and massaged my lower stomach. that shit felt good.

he noticed my face relax, and giggled quietly as i slowly fell asleep.

"i love you ma heart." he whispered, before he kissed my head.

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