blind date - notti.

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alina's crib📍

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alina's crib📍.
alina's pov

today, i had to spend the day wit my friend, khris, who's my age. and he came up with the idea to put me on a blind date wit some drill rapper, who's also around my age. that's all he told me though.

so, i took a shower and everything, and right now i was sitting at my vanity. i had 'PARTYNEXTDOOR' playing from my speaker, and i hummed along to the song as i brushed through my curls.

i decided i was gonna wear my hair up, so i put it in a clip before admiring myself. i had just gotten my lashes done, nothing extra though. and they looked sooo natural i loved them.

i also got my eyebrows done, so i decided to just be natural today.

i sprayed on some perfume, before putting on lipgloss, and texting khris telling him i'm ready.

i walked downstairs, grabbed my bag and put on my shoes before opening my apartment door, walking out, and locking the door behind me. i walked down the longggg hallway, and took the stairs since one, it was only 2 floors, and two the elevators always smelt like shit.

i waited on the porch for 5 minutes, before i heard loud ass music boomin from down the street. i knew it was khris.

i walked down the sidewalk, and across the street to where he had parked. he saw me and got out of the front seat, gave me a quick side hug, then pulled something out of his pocket. a blindfold.

"linaa! your date is waiting for you as we speakkk." he dragged out his words, and pointed to the passenger seat. and sure enough, a teenage boy sat in the front, and he had on a ski, wit his hoodie over it. but he had a blindfold on.

i just smiled at khris, and looked down. i could tell that nigga was fine and i don't even know what he looks like.

"put this on lil girl." he said, bringing me out of my thoughts. he waved the black blindfold in my face, and i just snatched it out of his hands.

i showed him a playful smile as i carefully tied the blindfold over my eyes. "kay don't be tryna set me up bro!" i said as i felt him grab my shoulders.

"yo shut up." he laughed, as he guided me to the drivers seat of the car. he opened the door and helped me get in, before shutting it and getting in the backseat.

he then decided to lean up in the front, from the back, im guessing to turn the camera on, and he hit me with his shoulder. "ow nigga! wit yo big ass arm." i said, mumbling the last part. i heard the boy beside me laugh.

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