royal honey-dd*

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alina's pov9:30pmdd's crib💌

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alina's pov
dd's crib

" dd stooop! " i dragged out, while laughing. i was sitting on this nigga lap on his gaming chair while we went live on my insta, and he had been literally biting my shoulder and neck playfully.

" nah you look good. and you smell maaad good. jus wanna eat you and shi. " he mumbled from behind me, making me widen my eyes a lil.

and before i could yell at him for saying that on live, i felt his cold hands reach under my shirt and slowly run up and down my back, literally makin me shiver.

i grabbed my phone, and held it from the top so i could cover the camera before ending the live. i already knew what he was feelin like, but the viewers ain't needa know as well.

earlier, we thought it would be fun to take the lil 'royal honey' packages wit a drink of pink whitney. i ain't try as much as dd, but i was still feelin the effects.

luckily we were home alone.

" daviiid. " i slightly giggled as i felt his hands travel to the front of me. he ran them up my stomach before tightly squeezing on my chest, making my breath hitch.

" chiiill ma, you feelin good right now. " he whispered in my ear, making me close my eyes slowly. i jus continued to let him rub all up on me, before he wrapped his arm around my upper body and made me lean back on him.

i wrapped my hand behind his neck, before speaking up.

" you wanna go to the bed? " i turned my head, whispering in his ear. he looked at me quickly, before immediately standing up with his arms still wrapped around me.

he rushed us to the bed, me laughing in the process. before we actually laid down, i turned to face him and wrapped my arms up around his neck.

he laid down ontop of me, and immediately pressed his lips against mine. the soft kiss didn't last long though, as he reached up and grabbed my neck tightly, making me part my lips.

he slipped his tongue in my mouth, and started to get rough. i smiled a lil, before tangling my hands in his hair and beginning to suck on his tongue a lil.

as i did that, he let out small noises, which turned me on even more. i could literally feel him growing on my inner thigh.

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