insomnia - ddot.

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alina's crib.📍
11:50 pm
alina's pov

I had a longgg ass day today. I was out all day long. Earlier, i was at the studio wit ddot, but decided to come home because i was so tired.

When I got home, I took a shower and got right under my covers. That was 30 minutes ago. For the past half an hour, I laid here staring at my ceiling.

I could not sleep for shit. I was literally falling asleep at the studio but now that i'm home, I can't sleep. I'm still tired, but my body just won't let me fall asleep.

I got high, thinking it would help, and it did make me calm, but not tired. i was so irritated because i just wanted to sleep, but i couldn't.

the actual problem was that ddot wasn't here wit me. we've been getting real close lately, and i'm so attached to him. he's been sleeping with me in my bed for literally 2 weeks straight, so i can't sleep without him.

I hesitated, but soon picked up my phone. Before I pressed call on ddots contact, i waited because he was probably still at the studio and i didn't want to bother him.

I waited for 5 minutes and decided I was gonna call him. I slowly pressed the facetime button, and waited for him to answer. After about 4 rings, he picked up.

"yo lina." he said lowly as he looked through the camera.

"hi d." i smiled slightly as i looked back at him.
"you good?" he asked.

"uh yeah but um." i started, but then i stopped talking because he actually made me so nervous.

"wassup mamas?" he asked again. oh my god.
"im good d but are you busy right now?" i responded quickly.

"nah." he smirked, i think he knew i was gonna ask him to come over.

"can you come overrr." i said with a straight face.
"of courseee. on my way." he smiled into the camera.
I smiled back before we both said bye, and hung up. I held onto my blanket as i waited for ddot to get here.

after 10 minutes of waiting, i heard my bedroom door open, then slowly close. I smiled to myself as I turned on my back so i can look at ddot.

"hi." i smiled, showing all my teeth.
"you're such a goof." he laughed. I mugged him and turned back on my side, facing away from him. "nah im playin." he said. I giggled to myself and turned back to facing him again.

"come onn i'm tired." i yawned as i held my arms open wide. He came over and layed ontop of me, as i wrapped my arms around him tightly. We laid there comfortably for a while, until he spoke up.

"you just can't sleep without me huh." he whispered. i could tell he was smiling. "mhmh." i mumbled, and slowly shook my head no since i was now falling asleep.

"i can't sleep without chu either." he whispered as he played with my hair.

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