slowww - notti. *

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notti's crib.📍
alina's pov
sexual content!

earlier today, notti asked me to come over, so of course i came. i've been here since and we were just chillin.

right now, i was laying on notti's bed on my stomach, while i was on my phone. i've been doing this for the last half hour since he was on 2k, with dd and ddot.

i was getting a little bored, but i didn't know what to do. i slowly sat up and stretched, before getting off of his bed.

"nottiii." i dragged out as i stood behind him, watching his screen.

"wassup." he said as he reached his hand back, but still focused on the screen. i grabbed his hand, and played with it for a while before speaking up. "can we do something?" i asked.

"a few minutes mami, i promise." he said quickly, and snatched his hand back so he can play correctly.

i sighed before an idea came into my head. i walked to the front of his chair, and sat down on his lap. i was facing him, so i wrapped my arms around his neck before laying on his shoulder.

"you straight?" he sounded concerned, as he ran his hand up and down my back, stopping at my ass. he moved his hand around it slowly as he still looked at his screen.

i smiled to myself, as i could tell my face was heating up. "im good." i said quietly as i turned my head around, placing soft kisses on his neck.

"mamaa." he whispered as he grabbed me tighter. i thought he was annoyed, so i moved my head away.

"sorry." i sighed before laying back on his shoulder.
"for what? you good." he laughed as he ran his hand through my hair.

"you jus makin me mad horny." he pressed his lips tightly to my ear as he whispered.

i sat up and we made eye contact as i smirked lightly. i went back to kissing his neck before he tapped my waist. "turn around." he said as he took his headphones off.

i didn't know what he was trying to do, but i turned around anyway. i was still in his lap, but my back was facing him. i felt him softly place his headset on me, before he spoke up.

"play, mami." lordd the butterflies.

"yo where notti at bro." i heard ddot say angrily through the mic.

"no where bruh. i'm here now." i laughed before i started walking around in the game. "nahh nigga we about to lose." dd complained.

"the fuck up. i'm go-" i was cutoff by notti grabbing my waist, and moving me back and forth slowly.

"where did she go bruh." ddot said, but i didn't answer. "yo lina!" dd yelled through his crunchy ass mic.

"w-what nigga im playin!" i managed to get out, as notti kept going. i felt him from under me, which just made everything feel good.

i kept my bottom lip tucked between my teeth, as i moved around again on 2k and it was starting to feel like too much.

I threw the back of my hand over my mouth as i leaned back, now leaning against notti. i took the headset off, not caring about dd or ddot at the moment.

"you feel good huh." notti laughed as he wrapped his hand around my neck, the other one still moving my waist on him. "fuck notti." i whispered.

he ran his hand down me, stopping at the bottom of my stomach before he pressed down harshly. OH.

"oh my god." i sighed, cause how tf he know that makes me feel good.

what happened after that, is for us to know.

cliffhanger asf🤭.

anyway this isn't like smut smut causeeee idk if i wanna write like, too too much yet. but how do we feel abt this chapter😋.

PLEASE don't be silent or shy readers, comment awayyyyy babies. anyway notti is bae fr.

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