sick - dd.

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alina's crib.📍
10:04 am
alina's pov

I woke up at exactly 10, and i've been laying here because I woke up with a sore throat. it's always the sore throats when you wake up.

It instantly put me in a bad mood, because I could tell I was getting sick. And i hated being sick. I decided to text my mom. i was also veryy dramatic when I get sick.


mommy i'm sick.

get medicine baby

i can't get up😣😣

sorry but im not home so looks like you have to get it🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️. there's some in my

ughh. gracias ma🙏🏽.

feel better mija. i'll be home later💕

you hearted "feel batter mija. i'll be home later💕"

I sighed, before rising up from my bed. I stretched, and immediately my whole body started to hurt. It's been 10 minutes since i've been awake. fuckkk this.

I slowly got off my bed, and instantly got the chills. I hugged myself as i walked over to my closet. I opened the doors, and grabbed my nike pullover hoodie. I was wearing red and black checkered pajama shorts, and didn't really feel like changing those so I just kept them on.

I went into my bathroom, and brushed my teeth, before quickly washing my face and brushing my hair. I put my hair in a messy bun, before grabbing my phone off the counter and walking out. I also quickly texted dd.


morning mh.

I was actually so drained already, and all I did was walk across the hallway into my mom's room. I walked through her room, and into her bathroom where I opened the medicine cabinet.

I looked at all the bottles and boxes, before finding the right one. I slowly poured it into the cap, because i knew it was gonna taste like shit.

I plugged my nose, and quickly drank the medicine. I gagged right away, i cannot handle this shit.
I rinsed my mouth out with water, before leaving my moms room and walking downstairs.

The house was very quiet, which I liked. I liked being home alone because it felt so peaceful.

I walked to the living room, and grabbed the soft blanket that sat on the back of my couch. I wrapped myself in it, before laying down on the couch and going on my phone. I seen that dd texted me.


morning mh.

morning mama, you straight?
i'm missin youu.

i'm good, i just woke up sick.
and i miss you so much.

aii ima see you soon❤️.

okay stinka😘😘.

i love you😭

i lovee you d.

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