interruption- dd.*

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lina's house.📍
9:27 pm
lina's pov
mature content!

earlier, i invited eva, notti, dd, and ddot over to chill since I was home alone. I also told them they could sleep over, and they all agreed. We just finished smoking, now we were watching princess and the frog. It was mine and eva's favorite, and obviously we got our way with picking it.

"this movie so ass." ddot mumbled as he ate chips.
"yo shut the fuck up." eva and I said at the same time. We looked at eachother, and started laughing.

"y'all hang wit eachother too much." dd mumbled as i played with his hair, since he was laying on my lap. Ddot sat on the recliner in my living room, me and dd were in the big couch, and eva and notti were on the other couch.

"for real." notti added, which got him a smack to the back of his head by eva. "that's my bestie. of course we're gonna be wit each other alllll the timeee." she dragged out.

"right. my bestie foreva." i said as i blew her a kiss across the room. she smiled and turned back to notti, as ddot opened his annoying ass mouth.

"so corny." he laughed as he stood up. I grabbed a pillow off the couch and through it right as his face, because who's corny?

"the fuck up nigga." i said as he mugged me. he picked up the pillow, and that's when i started to get scared.

"what?" he said as he slowly walked towards me.

"nah we good! we good. i didn't say anything." i panicked as i jumped off the back of the couch. so now he was in front of the couch, and i was behind it.

"nah nah c'mere." he mumbled as i literally jumped over the couch. I ran back to the other side, since he was now at the back, as notti, eva, and dd laughed.

Ddot started chasing me around the house, as i yelled at him.

"ddot stop! i'm sorryyyy." i yelled as i ran upstairs. I ran into my room, and almost got the door shut when he pushed it open.

"stopp!!" i yelled as he literally beat me with the pillow.

"alright bro you got me!" i laughed, out of breath. "yeahh try me again nigga." he laughed. and with that, he walked out.

i walked over to my mirror, and fixed my hair. I put on some chapstick, before i walked over and sat at the top of my bed. I leaned over to unplug my charger so i could bring it downstairs. i paused when i felt a warm hand on my lower back.

"hi ma. you good?" dd asked, his voice was low.

"fuck man you scared me. but yeah." i laughed as i turned to face him. I was now leaning on my head board, with my legs crossed, looking up at him as he stood next to my bed.

"what?" i giggled as he was staring. I grabbed his arm to pull him closer.

"you look mad sexy right now." he whispered as he now got onto my bed. My face instantly started heating up. a smile made its way to my face, but i quickly turned my head, trying to hide it.

"nahh don't hide." he laughed as he leaned down, and started to kiss on my neck. shit felt good as fuckk.

i started breathing heavier as i felt him leave hickeys everywhereee. i played in his hair before he leaned up, and smiled at me.

I smiled back before leaning towards him, and pressing my lips against his. the kiss was slow, and he started to get more touchy. he held my neck, then ran his hands down my stomach before grabbing my waist, and then rested one of his hands on my inner thigh. omg.

The kiss was becoming more sloppy, and i think we were both feeling the same things. he played with the strings on my pajama shorts, and just waited.

I was feeling a little bold, so i grabbed his hand, and slowly put it in my shorts. I waited for him to make the next move.

I felt him smile against my lips, as he started to become more rough against them.

I felt his cold finger tips reach under the waistband of my underwear, making me shutter at the feeling.

He pulled away from the kiss, and we both looked at each others swollen lips. i nodded slowly, as i ran my nails up and down his back.

he waisted no time and immediately slipped his fingers in me, making my mouth hang open. I shut my eyes at the feeling, and he made it better by slowly kissing down my jawline.

"you so pretty mama." he whispered in my ear, before placing a soft kiss under it. this man bro.

He picked up his pace, making me slam my hand over my mouth. my friends were still downstairs, and i didn't need them hearing me.

he started going deeper, but i knew it was too good to be true.

"YO LINA! YOU GOT A CHARGER?!" i heard ddot yell as he made his way upstairs.

"oh my god." i groaned as dd slipped his hand out of my shorts. he smirked at me as i got up, and fixed my shorts. I ran my hands through my hair, as dd put my blanket over his lower half. I giggled, but stopped when ddot barged through my door.

"nigga don't be comin up in here like that! knock!" i said to him, i was so annoyed.

"my fault sista. you gotta charger tho?" he asked, as he raised his hands up.

"yes bro." i huffed as i grabbed it off my bed, and through it at him. "damnn yo. what'd i do?" he asked me.

"nothing d. we'll be down in a sec." i said calmly as i practically pushed him out the door, and locked it.

i smiled at dd as i walked back to the bed, and got on his lap. he wrapped his hands around my waist, before whispering in my ear.

"im not done witchu."


yess ima leave it off at that🙄.
anyway does this like seem weird, idk bro.
but i see all your comments! yall are so funny😭 thank you for all the loveee and votes!💟

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