anger issues- ddot.*

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since we all know our lil ddot has baddd anger issues🤭. anyway this abt to be nastyyyyy.

ddot's crib.📍
alina's pov.

I was downstairs in ddots kitchen, getting a drink. he didn't even notice me walk out though because he's on the game.

i neededddd to get out of there, because all he does is yell and hit stuff, and i was trying to sleep. i asked him twice already to quiet down. he apologized and stayed quiet for maybe 5 minutes, then got back to it.

nigga has problems for real.

I quietly walked up the stairs, and back into his room. no surprise, he was yelling again. "bro are you fuckin serious!? yoo!" he yelled, and began to hit the controller. i understand frustration when you lose, but i was just standing there trying not to laugh.

"fuck this shit bro!" he yelled again as he kicked the dresser in front of him.

"yooo chill pa." i said calmly as i walked over to him, and stared to play in his hair. it was out in his curls, and i loved it. i could feel him start to relax, and i leaned forward to look at his face. his eyes were closed, but he was still breathing real heavy.

"you okay?" i asked. he didn't answer, but instead grabbed my wrist, and pulled me around the chair, infront of him.

he wrapped his hands around my waist, and sat me on his lap as he smirked.

"im sorry for bein loud when you trynna sleep." he whispered in my ear, as he rubbed up and down my back.

"it's oka-" he cut me off. "shh. ima make it up to you ma." he whispered. before i could say anything, he kissed me, and wrapped his hand around my neck.
i smiled into the kiss, and wrapped my arms around his neck.

he became more aggressive, but then pulled away. as he pulled away, he bit my bottom lip. and that shit turned me the fuck onnn. ma shit was def purringggg.

he smirked up at me, as my bottom lip was tucked between my teeth. i ran my hands under his shirt, but he stopped me.

"nah this about you right now. you want it?" he asked, as he rubbed my upper thighs. do notttt have to ask me twice.

i immediately nodded my head, and he stood up with me in his arms. i smiled at him as he gently laid me on his bed, and got on top of me.

he moved my hair from my neck, and started kissing on it, leaving hickeys too. My hands were in is hair, and i was trying my best to stay quiet. I started breathing heavier when he slid his hand under my shirt.

after a while, he kissed my lips, before leaning up. I watched in awe as he messily tied his hair back, and then reached for the bottom of my shirt. he slid it off easily, and i winced at the feeling of his cold fingers.

he leaned down close to my face, and pressed his lips against mine again.

"you so sexy ma." he mumbled against my lips. i held his face with both of my hands, trying to get closer to him. his tongue was literally down my throat, but did i care? nah.

as we were making out, i felt his knee brush up against HER, making me shutter. this nigga and his teasing bro.

"turn around." he whispered, after he pulled away from my lips. like i said, do not have to tell me twice.

i turned around to lay on my stomach, as i heard ruffling from behind me. i felt ddot's hands grab at the waistband of my shorts, and i arched a little to help him slide them off.

after he got them off, i felt him grab my waist tightly. he leaned down, and pressed a kiss on the back of my neck, and then trailed his lips all the way down my back. this nigga knows how to turn me the fuckk on.

"damnn." he dragged out as his fingers touched me, making my mouth hang open. "so wet mamas." he added, which made my eyes go wide. he was bein so bold tonight, and i liked it.

he aggressively grabbed my waist, and made me arch my back. then he took his shi out his boxers, and quickly slid it in, making me gasp. loudly.

"oh fuck." i moaned into the pillow that was in front of me. i held that shit so tightly, and burried my face into it. i still ain't used to him.

he held my waist, and began moving at a steady pace. though for me, it was a lot. and i couldn't stay quiet.

he kept one hand on my waist, and brought the other one to cover my mouth.

"shh." he whispered in my ear.

after a while, we switched positions. so now we were facing eachother. and he was really pounding ma shit.

"ddot i cant-" i literally almost cried out, and i put my hand on his v-line to try and get him to take some out.

"nahh you're good." he mumbled and slapped my hand away.

i bit down on my bottom lip, and looked up at him, with my eyes low. he held my face with one of his hands, and wiped under my eye as he chuckled.

"damnn. why you gotta look at me like that." he chuckled, making me giggle.

i was feeling a little bold, so i grabbed his hand, and brought it down between my legs. he started rubbing on me, which made everything feel better. i kept my hand pressed tightly against his, as he continued pumpin in and out of me, and kept his hand rubbing on me.

"d im so close." i moaned, as i took my other hand and covered my mouth. my jaw dropped though when i felt him harshly press down on my lower stomach.

"mm my god. fuck ddot!" i literally screamed, as i felt myself being pushed over the edge. my breathing picked up, and my legs started to shake as i finished.

ddot didn't stop though, which made me squirm under him. My hands were rubbing on his chest, and he through his head back. that's how i could tell he was close too.

he pulled out, and nutted on my stomach.

after all that, he gently cleaned me up. and i felt so loved. right now, we were laying in his bed, with his arm wrapped around my neck. i was laying on his chest, rubbing my hand under his shirt.

"i love you, real shit." he said out of no where. i looked up, and he was looking down at me with a smile on his face.

"i love you more, d."


too much?

YALLLL. this SO nasty. LIKE NASTY NASTY. i cannot.

ANYWAYSSSS, request what else u wanna see😘😘.

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