massage-jay klickin.*

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alina's crib📍.
alina's pov

y'all this my apology for ghosting ya😭😭😭. i'm actually very sorry though. ima try to be consistent.

anyway this boutta be detailed and nastyyyy.

I laid across my bed, rolling around on it every once in a while. This is the most uncomfortable i've ever been in my life.

last night i had the most uncomfortable sleep ever, and all day my whole body just been hurtin.

butttt, i wasn't gonna even try to go to sleep cause my man was on his wayyyy.

i decided to go on my phone for the next 10 minutes, until i got a text from jay telling me he's here.

a big smile was immediately brought to my face as i stood up and rushed out of my room, downstairs.

i walked down the hallway and to the front door, before unlocking it. revealing my fineeee ass boyfriend.

"wassup baby?" he asked as he smiled down at me, showing his perfect smile and dimples.

wow i was in love.

"hii jay." i said quietly. he definitely made me very nervous.

i softly wrapped my arms around his torso, digging my face into his chest. he wrapped his arms around my neck, as he pressed soft kisses to my head.

"you missed me?" he chuckled softly, dropping his head a little so his lips were right next to my ear.

"i always miss you." i smiled slightly, as i scrunched my face up a little. i always did that when i got nervous.

jay pressed a kiss on my forehead, before speaking up again.

"let's go lay down mama." he said, squeezing me one more time before pulling away and grabbing my hand. he led us upstairs, and into my room.

he set down some stuff he had in his hands, as i laid down. after he took his shoes off, he came over and laid right down ontop of me.

usually i'd love it, but it kinda hurttt. i winced a little, and he noticed.

"wha' happened bae?" he asked with concern laced in his voice. he sat up a little, looking at me.

"i jus been mad uncomfortable alllll day. like my whole body hurtin and shit." i sighed as i looked right back at him.

"why you ain't say nun lina? turn around." he said as he got up. i looked at him with a confused look, but turned to lay on my stomach anyway.

"take yo shirt off too." he called out from the bathroom. i widened my eyes a little, but i def took that shit off anyway.

whatever he wanted right now, he was gon get.

i laid there all excited as i heard him walk back into my room, and get on the bed.

"aight baby-" he started, as i felt his hands on my shoulders. he had some lotion or sum on em, and he started to apply alot of pressure.

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