fucked up - notti.

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Alinas crib.📍
alina's pov

i sat in my room, literally getting yelled at by my boyfriend. we had gotten in an argument, and we wanted to talk it out in person instead of on the phone.

i'll admit, i was nervous. we started arguing over notti.

notti was over earlier today, and my boyfriend, jay, got mad. notti was just my bestfriend, and i don't know how many times i've had to tell jay that. mine and notti's families been close since we were babies, and i would never just cut notti off.

i mean notti and i had been real close lately, like this is the closest we've been ever. but it was never like that. we're bestfriends, and have been our whole life. and that's what i was trying to explain to jay.

"jay bro stop yelling! i'm sorry, okay? i understand why you're mad but you're not hearing me! he's my bestfriend bro! we grew up together! been bestfriends our whole life and i'm sorry you think it's more than that, but it's not my fault." i said, getting tired of the constant yelling from him.

he shut up real quick, and looked guilty. i kinda felt bad.

"im sorry it-" i started to say but he cut me off by pulling me into a hug.

"im sorry lina. i just don't wanna lose you. you ma whole life, real shit." he whispered, as he kissed my head.

"you won't lose me." i said.

I think we both knew that was a lie.

"notti." i whispered as i played in his hair. he was slowly leaving kisses all over my neck and chest, and even left a few hickeys.

but i started to feel a little guilty, so i gently picked his head up.

"sorry." i sighed as i looked in his eyes. I played with his hair, and he looked back at me. he looked a little mad.

"lina bro you always doin this shit." he huffed as he sat up. i just stayed quiet, because he was right. i still hadn't broke up with jay. it was just too difficult.

"im sorry notti." i said again. i felt like i was always saying sorry.

"sorry don't do nothin. you gotta end it ma." he said as he got next to me. "i know. he just makes it so difficult every time." i sighed.

i looked down, and started playing with the ring on my finger. what's funny is that notti got me it for my birthday 2 years ago. and i still wore it, through everything.

"it's difficult? yeahh you buggin." he said as he turned to lay on his side, facing away from me. my heart dropped, but i couldn't do anything about it because he was right.

"why you doin this shit to me bro. makin me think you actually like me." he sighed as he went on his phone.

i actually felt so bad. i KNEW i was in the wrong. it should've just been notti from the beginning.

"im sorry notti. i'll go, okay?" i said quietly as i stood up, and put my shoes on. i also through on the hoodie i wore here. "it ain't gon fix nothin. but aii." he said, not even looking up at me.

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