i still care - notti

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alina's crib.📍
alina's pov

long one today, if this wants to fuckin upload, damn. anyway, it's a long chapter, to make up for me not updating for like idk, 4 days.💔

even though it's this god damn apps fault. anywaysss, enjoy my lovesss.

I sat at my vanity, smiling at myself in the mirror. I felt pretty, but I was looking into my own red, and very low eyes.

last night, notti and I got into a big argument, and I cried myself to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I did notttt want to go to school at all, so the only thing i could think of was getting high, so i could get through it.

I smoked a full blunt, and hit my pen a few times, before putting it into my bag. I quickly brushed through my hair one more time, before putting on some lip gloss, and standing up.

I put my shoes on, and walked out of my room. When I got downstairs, I realized today was one of the days that my mom goes to work early. So, I would have to walk to school.

I sighed before zipping up my coat, putting one airpod in, and walking out the door. I made sure to lock it behind me before I walked down the steps, and made my way to school.

After about 5 minutes of walking, i met up with my bestieeee, jayrackss. We were about to be at school, but for the whole walk, we've just been talking.

"hellooo?" jay said, as she waved her hand in my face. "damnnn my heart sorry. what'd you say?" i asked slowly. i dead wasn't paying attention, almost falling asleep while walking n shit.

"linaaa girl you bussin right now." jay laughed, as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I giggled as we made our way through the doors of our school.

We walked around with our friends for a little, before we split up to go to our classes. I do have 2 classes with her throughout the day, just not right in the morning.

Someone who was in all my classes though, was notti.

First period, I had notti, ddot, and my friend angie, which was where I was headed to now.

I walked down the hallway, which was surprisingly calm. Usually these niggas be loud as fuck at 7:45 in the damn morning.

I opened the classroom door, and walked in the class, before shutting it behind me. I made my way to my table in the back, where my 3 friends were.

"heyy." angie said as I sat down. My seat was right next to notti's.

"hi." i said calmly, before taking my phone out of my pocket. "i thought you wasn't gonna come today." ddot said as he also scrolled through his phone.

"why wouldn't i?" i said slowly, as i looked up from my phone. I peeped notti and ddot looking at eachother, but i didn't say anything.

"damnn you fried right now my heart." angie giggled as she looked at me. I laughed back, before I looked at notti. We made eye contact, and he spoke up.

"why you high at 7 in the morning." he asked. As if this nigga wasn't high 25/8.

"because." i simply said. i reallyyyy didn't want to talk to him right now. only because it would be awkward since what happened last night. I was actually so upset, but i didn't want to show it. especially not at school.

"alina-" he started, but was cutoff by the bell. I let out a sigh before I faced the teacher, resting my chin on my hand.

*time skip*

I sat at the lunch table with angie, ddot, dd, notti, jay, ally, gi, and jaden. They had all been laughing together, but i felt so miserable. I missed talking to notti.

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