player - notti.

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neymari's house.📍
3:24 pm
alina's pov

"bitch get up!" mari, my best friend, laughed as she looked at me literally crying on the floor. we were laughing so hard at this video on my phone.

"when they said- h-" i couldn't even talk, i was laughing so much. "fuck bro i can't breathe!" i said as i laughed even louder.

"we got it for real!" mari laughed again, but eventually quieted down. i finally caught my breath, and breathed slowly with my hand on my chest as I looked at the live.

"y'all we almost died. anywaysss." i said, taking one more breath before i leaned closer to read the comments. many asked for fit checks, so we did it.

after a while of talking with the fans, we were about to get off when i saw a couple of the same comments. they were about notti.

they said shit like "y'all seen that video of notti?" or "pleasedontlack ending relationships fr.

so, i ended the live, and looked at mari. "you saw them too right?" i asked her, talking about the comments.

she slowly nodded her head, and it made me nervous. did notti really fuck up again? i sighed , and opened instagram on my phone. I tried to ignore the comments most of the time, because some of the fans do lie. They try to break us up.

I went onto pleasedontlack, and sure enough, the most recent post was notti at a party last night. with some bitch all up on him.

i watched the whole video, and let me tell you, i was mad. i was in denial almost.

sone girl was twerking on him, kissing all up on him and feelin him up, and he let it happen. matter of fact he was doing the same shit back. and the fact this happened last night, and he couldn't admit it, really pissed me off.

"mari." i breathed out, and laughed. "this nigga got me fucked up." i laughed again before throwing my phone to her.

she watched the video with her mouth hanging wide open. "fuck is wrong wit him bro." she said, she sounded mad.

"im about to go find out." i said as i got up, and put my shoes on.

"aii, text me though." she said before i hugged her quickly, and made my way downstairs and outside.

lucky for me, we all lived near eachother, so it took me about 10 minutes to walk to notti's.

i got there and ran up the porch, before knocking on the door repeatedly. i knew he was home alone, but he might be sleeping. or, he's with that bitch.

as i was about to knock again, notti opened the door and rubbed his eyes. "my fault ma i was sl-" i cut him off by pushing him to the side, and walking into the house.

he shut and locked the door behind him, before walking into the kitchen where i was. i leaned against the counter, trying to figure out what to say.

"i missed you mama." he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me, digging his head in my neck.

did i hug him back? fuck no.

"what happened?" he asked as he held me tighter and started kissing on my neck.

"bro get the fuck off me." i mumbled as i pushed his head away. he started me down, acting like he ain't know what he did.

"stop playin alina." he sighed as he ran his hand down his face before stepping towards me again.

"im not playin shit ethan. what about that video of you last night? did you just think i wouldn't see it? it's almost a whole day later and i'm just now finding out! the fuck? i'm tired of you telling me you love me, and then going out and doing stupid shit like that notti. i'm so tired of it." i said loudly, i wasn't gonna yell though. i just needed to get my point across.

he stood there in disbelief, acting like he didn't understand me.

"don't fuckin act stupid. you know what you did." i said. my voice cracked as i said it. i was starting to get emotional.

"lina." he sighed, and looked down at me. he looked hurt, but what the fuck for?

"what? are you sorry? did it not mean anything? was it a mistake? i'm tired of hearing the same shit over and over again." i mocked him. i could go on and on about the lies he told me each time he fucked up.

"don't be like that. but yeah, it didn't mean anything i swear. and i do love you. you know that." he said softly as he pulled me into a hug. i didn't even fight it.

"why do you keep doing this to me?" my voice broke as i started crying into his chest.

"im sorry." he kept repeating as lifted my shirt, and rubbed my back. after a while, he pulled away from the hug, and picked me up, placing me on the counter. he wiped my tears gently and looked up at me.

"you keep doing this because you know i love you too much to leave." i whispered as i looked down.

"lina. thats not true." he sighed as he looked up at me.

i honestly didn't know what to say after all this. i was hurt, but i still had so much love for him. why?

catching me off guard, he leaned down and kissed my upper thigh. then, moved up and kisssd my stomach, then my hands, then my chest, then my neck, then my cheek, then my nose, then my lips. he knew i would fold. and i did. i started smiling.

"im sorry, okay? i don't know why i did that but it won't happen again. i know i keep telling you that but i'm for real this time. i love you, lina. we forever." he smirked as he looked down at me, and wrapped his hands tightly around my waist.

i just looked at him and didn't say anything.

"we forever?" he asked as he rested his forehead on mine. i wrapped my arms around him and slowly nodded my head.

"mhm, forever." i mumbled as a smile made its way across my face.

i might regret that, but i do love him, and maybe he'd actually change this time.

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