vacation pt1- jayklickin.

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surprise😁 bc jay is bae duh.

surprise😁 bc jay is bae duh

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Alina's pov.📍
10:15 am
alina's pov

i woke up from my loud ahh alarm, and stretched my arms. i woke up in a good mood because today me and the boys go to miamiiii.

anyway, i laid back down, and turned to face jay who was asleep next to me. i rested my hand on the side of his face, and rubbed my thumb back and forth gently. eventually, he opened his eyes with a smile on his face.

"miami todayy." i softly giggled. i was genuinely excited, for the boys too. they def needed to get out of new york for a little.

he laughed softly, and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him. we laid like that for a while, before ddot busted through the damn door. i couldn't even be mad at him though. he was so happy to be going to florida.

we all decided to have a sleepover at jays, so it would be easier when we left for the airport.

"y'all wake upppp! we boutta be in miami!!" he yelled, and literally jumped on the bed. i smacked my teeth, but eventually a smile formed on my face.

"are you excitedddd!" i giggled, and stood up too. i began to jump with him, seeing he was live. jay just gave us a playful mug the whole time.

"yes sista! we makin it out y'all!" he yelled at the live. he wrapped his arm around my neck, almost dragging me down, but we both ended up laughing.

he walked out the room, as i sat back down on the bed, literally out of breath.

"you had fun?" jay laughed from the top of the bed. "soo much fun." i laughed, and crawled over to him. i laid on top of him, and he rested his hands on my ass, slowly moving them around it, making me smile.

i pecked his neck a few times, before getting up. he immediately groaned when i got off of him, but i started to walk to the bathroom.

"come onnn jay." i giggled as i grabbed my toothbrush that i leave at his house. I grabbed his too, and put toothpaste on both of them as he began to walk in the bathroom.

he stood behind me with his arm around my waist, as we both brushed our teeth together and watched eachother in the mirror with big smiles on our faces.

It was around 1pm and we were leaving for the airport soon. I was wearing a tan zip up, grey sweats, and my yeezy slides. sum comfortable, because i'm not dressin up for no airport.

I grabbed my marc jacobs tote bag, and my black suitcase, and brought it to the top of the stairs. i also had my phone, charger, and blanket in my hand. this was gonna be fun.

i looked down the stairs, and dd was standing at the bottom laughing at me. "the fuck up yo!" i said to him, and mugged him. his mom soon came to the bottom of the stairs, and smacked him lightly on the back of his head, which earned her a mug from him too.

"help her! be respectful david." she said, before walking away. "yeah david, help me." i giggled as i watched him drag himself up the stairs. he snatched the suitcase handle from my hand, and easily brought it down the stairs.

"so sassy." i mumbled as i arranged the things in my hands, and followed him down. when i got downstairs, jay was coming out of the bathroom, and dd and jstar were bringing bags to the car out front.

jay then walked over to the bottom of the stairs, and looked me up and down while slowly licking his lips.


i started blushing, and i covered my face with one of my hands causeee he can't know he has that affect on me. trying to cover it up didn't work though, because he started to giggle.

"jayy stopp." i laughed as i walked over to him. i wrapped my arms around his neck, and stood on my tippy toes to properly hug his tall ahh.

he wrapped his arms around my waist for a lil, before bringing his hands down to my ass and smacking it not so lightly.

"ow yo." i groaned, but he just chuckled in my ear. "chill mami. you look good." he whispered, before now just grabbing my ass.


"thankkk you pa." i whispered, feeling a little nervous. his fine ass could say anything and it would still have me fuckin flustered and shi.

"lil nasties let's go." dd complained as he walked in the house to give his mom a hug bye.

we pulled away from our hug, and i went over to hug his mom as well.

"bye my love. have a good time." she said in my ear as she hugged me tightly. "i'll send you sooo much pictures ma. love you." i said as i pulled away from the hug, and smiled at her. she placed her hand on my cheek, returning the smile before hugging jay, then jstar. apparently ddot's been in the car this whole time.

i then ran out to the car, and sat in the middle between dd and ddot.

i regretted that shit so much.

we've been driving for literally 20 minutes, and these niggas have argued, laughed loud as hell, had a conversation, argued again, and now they were passing a blunt right in front of my face, and literally screaming instead of talking. i was only mad about the blunt being in my face because jay didn't want me to smoke. and i don't know why.

"ya could shut up for 5 minutes?" i said as i rubbed my eyes in annoyance. i love them like my blood but damn they could be annoying sometimes.

"oh she needa relax. here bro." ddot said, and went to hand me the blunt. i did not hesitate to grab that shit, but once it reached my hands jay was so quick to grab it.

"jayyy." i groaned. i was getting genuinely mad. "nah cause what the fuck i tell you about this shit. no." he said, and took a big hit from the blunt. i literally just stared at him with my mouth open.

"so why you could do it then?" i said with a mug on my face. he instantly turned his head around from the front seat, and stared me dead in the eyes.

i crossed my arms, deciding to be petty. but real shit how he could do it but i can't.

"stop playin wit me alina. you not smoking." he said, keeping eye contact the whole time.

it's something about him being mad, and eye contact that's gon do it for me everytime.

"whatever bro." i mumbled, and looked out the window past dd.

"why she playin wit niggas?" jay chuckled from the front, and looked out his window.


anyway i'm sorry i haven't updated in so long. forgive me😩.

ima also start writing jay chapters too. be excited😘😘

part 2 coming soonnn.

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