fuck yo old nigga - ddot.

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the park.📍
7:57 pm
alina's pov

me, dd, notti, and ddot were all sitting at a picnic table at the park. we been here since 6, making tik toks, just talking and chillin.

but right now, no one was talking. they were all looking at me as i stared off. my boyfriend was all up in my phone, fucking threatening me and shit. he does far too much. he didn't care i was with dd and notti, but when he found out ddot was here too, he flipped shit.

my thoughts are interrupted when i felt ddots hand on my thigh. he usually did that when he knew i was nervous or upset, because he knew it calmed me down.

i didn't mind it, but one time since it was his natural instinct, he did it in front of my boyfriend, dj. it was at a party, so he just acted like he didn't notice so it wouldn't cause a scene. but once we got back to my house, it was a different story.

anyway, like i said i didn't mind it, but i didn't want anymore fuckin drama with dj.

"dottt." i dragged out, as i gently took his hand off, and looked at him, showing him a small smile. "my fault." he smirked back at me.

i looked in front of me at notti and dd, who were sharing a knowing look and smirking at eachother. "the fuck up." i mugged them.

"we ain't say shit." dd snapped back. i rolled my eyes, and looked down at my lap.

"real shit though, you good lina?" notti asked me. i looked up at him with a frown on my face.

"im good." i sighed. i didn't really wanna talk about it because in all seriousness, i was embarrassed. dj was so toxic, but i stayed with him. everyday, from everyone, all i hear is "you can do so much better lina." or, "you're worth more than that." like i know. i just still love him after everything, and i don't know why.

all of a sudden, my phone rang. my heart instantly dropped. i knew it was dj calling, since i'd been ignoring him for the last 10 minutes.

"i'll be right back." i groaned as i got up. i really did not wanna put up with his shit. he ruined my day already, and he still had the power to make it worse.

i walked by the fence, and took my phone out of my pocket. my hands were shaking, i was literally scared of him. i don't know why i let myself get into shit like this.

"lina bro." he spat into the phone. he wasn't yelling, yet.

"what. i'm not doing th-" i was cutoff by him screaming. surprise.

"doing what bitch? you're so fucked up on so many levels. how many fucking times i told you i don't like that nigga? how many!?" he yelled.

"dj bro you act like i'm doing shit with him. i'm with dd and notti too. we're literally at the park, the fuck?" i said, i was getting pissed off.

"i don't give a fuck where you at. why you hanging with him like i won't boom both of you niggas." he said, making laugh.

"please shut the fuck up bro. you're honestly so fuckin toxic i don't know why I even tell you i love you. you couldn't care less and honestly im done. go be with some other bitch." i said into the phone, and with that i hung up.

after standing there for 5 minutes, i felt my eyes watering up. "what the fuck?!" i asked myself, because why was I about to cry over a nigga who couldn't give 2 shits about me. I quickly wiped my face, before making my way back to the table.

"guys ima dip. see you tomorrow?" i said softly. i looked down at them, but made eye contact wit ddot.

"tell me you not going wit your nigga." ddot said, with a straight face as he looked at me.

"old nigga. and i'm not. i'm for real going home." i giggled slightly.

"bye ma heart." notti stood up and hugged me, the other 2 doing the same after him.

"safety." i called out as i made my way out the fence, and walked home.

"why meee bro fuck this shit!" i yelled out as tears poured down my face. i felt pathetic AS FUCK. why was i crying over this nigga AGAIN?!

i dramatically grabbed my pillow, and stuffed my face in it as i cried. it was midnight, and ever since i got home from the park, all i did was cry.

embarrassing, i know.

but there was one thing i couldn't stop thinking about, which was ddot. i've just starting noticing how touchy he's been getting the last few weeks too.

and i didn't mind it, at all.

as i was thinking about ddot, i heard a knock on my window. "the fuck!?" i groaned as i got up. my face dropped when i saw ddot outside my window. what a coincidence.

"hi ddot." i mumbled as i opened the window. he fuckin stared me down as he carefully stepped into my room, and shut the window.

"lina." he sighed as he pulled me into a hug. he noticed i was crying. i wrapped my arms around his neck and just cried.

"shh." he comforted me as he rubbed my back, and kissed my head. he's so cute.

i pulled back from the hug, and looked up at him with a pout on my face, realizing out of everyone, it was him that was always there for me.

my eyes watered up again, but not because of dj. because i felt so bad about how much i've been pushing ddot away for dj. ddot was always there, no matter what. he always talked to me, made sure I was okay, and so much more. i think it was always supposed to be him.

"you're okay." he whispered as he grabbed my face gently, and wiped my tears. my hands rested on his waist as i looked up at him.

"d." i said, as i smiled lightly. "hm." he asked, he looked sad.

"it's you. it always has been. and i don't know why i didn't realize that earlier." i finally let it out.

he didn't say anything, but he had a big ass smile on his face. he grabbed the back of my neck, and pressed his lips against mine.

all i could think was finally.

"fuck that nigga." he mumbled against my lips as we slowly backed up. we fell on my bed, and he was ontop of me. he pulled away from the kiss, and looked at me as he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

he smiled, before digging his head in my neck while his arms wrapped around my waist.

this is what felt right.

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