i feel bad - ddot.

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Alina's house.📍
5:46 pm
Alina's pov.

I was sitting at my vanity getting ready for a car video with buba. It was gonna be me, dd, and ddot, my boyfriend. I was usually excited for the car videos, but today I was a little upset.

I was upset because I could tell ddot was hurting. This last week and even before that, he's been more quiet, and just down. And I know it's because of edot and notti. I genuinely felt so bad. those were his brothers. you shouldn't have to lose the people you love, especially so young.

And what made it worse was that he kept all his feelings inside. He never wanted to talk about it, and I get that. it's so hard to talk about, so i understand why he doesn't want to. But at the same time, I really just needed him to talk to me. It's not good to keep everything inside.

I sighed as I finished brushing through my hair, and right then I got a text from buba.


we about to pull up mh


I turned my phone off, and applied some lip gloss before standing up, and putting on my 4's. I was just wearing a comfy fit today. A white long sleeve crop top, some grey sweats, and my oreos.

I grabbed my phone, some gum, and my lip gloss, and made my way downstairs. I yelled to my mom, before walking out and seeing buba parked across the street.

I walked up to the car, and as I got closer I could see it was dd in the front seat wit buba, and ddot in the back. my baby all alone.

I opened the door, and rolled my eyes at dd and buba ALREADY arguing, and hitting eachother. these niggas.

At the sound of the door opening, ddot's head snapped around, and his face softened when he saw me. I immediately got in, and shut the door. I turned to him and noticed his eyes, low, red, and drained. ☹️

"hi d." I whispered as I leaned in for a hug. he hugged me back tightly, and pulled me closer so I was like laying half on him and half on the seat. He rested his head in the crook of my neck, and we just sat there for probably 5 minutes.

We were interrupted by buba's annoying ass slapping ddot in his head, and pulling my hair lightly.

"is that lina gzzzz." he yelled as i sat up. ddot rested his hand on my inner thigh as i leaned up and slapped buba.

"the fuck bro don't slap him. and don't pull my hair either." i said in his face.

"and i been here what the fuck." i mugged him as i leaned back in the middle seat.

"my bad lil girl." he laughed. i rolled my eyes jokingly as i turned, as saw dd was looking at me.

"damnn no hey best?" he fake mugged me as he leaned away once i leaned towards him.

"hi bestfriendd." i dragged out as i dabbed him up. we both laughed, before i sat back comfortably in my seat. I looked at ddot, and he was just looking out the window. he looked so sad.

"d. you okay?" i whispered as i gently grabbed his face, and turned it towards mine.

"mhm." he mumbled. i gave him a small smile, before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"ooo they getting neekey in the backseat!!" buba yelled at the camera.

"this nigga bro." i mumbled against ddots lips. i kissed him one more time, and was about to pull away when he pushed me more into him by the back of my head.

i meannn.

but of course, buba's ANNOYING ASS had to interrupt us again.

"yo chillll y'all are like 2 years old!" he said as he pushed me back by my forehead.

"touch me again bro. touch me again." i said as i leaned into the front seat, and started hitting him. Soon after, dd and ddot started hitting him too.

We stopped hitting him, and we all just ended up laughing. It made me happy seeing ddot's smile. finally.

After a while, we were stillllll in the car. Ddots head rested on my shoulder, as we watched tik toks on my phone. dd and buba talked about whatever in the front seat.

Out of no where, ddot opened the car door, and got out. He shut the door before leaning on the trunk of the car. Dd and buba noticed, because i looked at them and they looked at me with a confused look on their faces.

"damnn sista what'd you do?" dd asked me.
"what? i didn't do shit." i mumbled as i got out of the car. I walked to the back, and ddot was just looking at the sky. that's what this was about.

"d." i pouted. i walked infront of him, and he slowly looked down at me. i saw his eyes tearing up, and i just felt so bad.

"ddot." i whispered. i quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around my waist tightly. he rested his head in the crook of my neck, as i heard him sniffling.

"it's okay to let it out you know." i whispered, as i rubbed up and down his back with one hand.

i felt him slowly nod.

we stood there, hugging in silence, and rocking back and fourth for a while.

"do you wanna talk about it my love?" i asked quietly as he pulled his head away, and rested his forehead on mine.

he shook his head no, and looked down at me with his red eyes.

"are you sure d?" i asked softly as we made eye contact.

"im sure mama, thank you." he gave me a small smile. i felt like crying, i just felt terrible for him.

I wiped his tears gently with my thumbs, and pressed a kiss against his lips, as i held his face. he pulled me closer by my waist, before we both pulled away.

"i love you darrien. you can talk to me about anything, i mean it." i whispered.

"i know. i love you too. so much." he said back, before we hugged once again.

"do you wanna come over? my mom left, it'll just be us." i smiled.

"yeah." he smiled back, before kissing my cheek. he's so cute.

I banged on the trunk of buba's car, and laughed.
"yooo chill on my car." he said after he rolled down his window.

"we leavinggg." i said, as ddot grabbed my hand.

"aii. you good lil bro?" buba asked before dabbing him up. ddot nodded his head, before dd did the same.

"love ya." dd yelled out his window as we crossed the street.

we both yelled it back, before we walked through my front door.

lil sad chapter☹️☹️.

but i'm working on the chapters you guys requesteddd.
this one was already done so i'm posting it now

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