|𝟯|~Trapper ∙

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(D/N)'s ear perks up as he quickly looks behind them, making both Hiccup and (Y/N) jump lightly as the sound of another dragon's screeching could be heard.

(Y/N) smiles when she catches sight of a familiar dragon, grinning as she watches it swoop down, picking up some rocks as she lands. "What have you been up to?" She asks, Hiccup smiling from his place beside her.

Astrid stretches as she jumps off Stormfly, Toothless eagerly rushing over to Stormfly and pausing to say hi to Astrid. "Oh, winning races, what else?" She smirks, making (Y/N) snicker.

Stormfly and Toothless greet one another, bobbing their heads in sync and chirping.

(D/N) stretches, padding over to them and playfully whacking Toothless with his tail, causing him to huff and pursue.

"Where have you two been?"

Hiccup snorts as he finishes his drawing, shaking his head as he wraps an arm around (Y/N), bringing her close to his side and placing gentle kisses against her neck.

"Avoiding my dad."

"Oh now you wanna tell me?" (Y/N) teases, poking her boyfriend in the ribs. Astrid snickers lightly as she plops onto the ground next to her, criss-crossing her legs.

Toothless pursues (D/N) in the back, Stormfly chirping at them to stop as she chases them.

"Oh, you're gonna love this." Hiccup replies, ignoring (Y/N)'s previous response as he brings his hand up and plays with her hair.

"I wake up, the sun is shining, Terrible Terrors are singing on the rooftop-!"

Astrid takes his pencil, looking towards the mountain and sketching them as Hiccup tells his story.

"I saunter down to breakfast thinking all is right with the world and I get," Hiccup rises, making his voice deeper, intimidating his fathers.

"Son, we need to talk."

"Not now, Dad. I got a whole day of goofing off with (Y/N) to get started!"

Astrid mimics Hiccup as she waves her arms, making (Y/N) snicker and shake her head at her friend.

"Spot on," (Y/N) laughs, sighing with joy as she calms down.

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