|𝟱|~Mistakes ∙

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The trapper's ship sailed across the waters, an icy chill in the air.

"Keep your eyes peeled, lads!" Eret calls as he looks out onto the horizen. "With this wind we'll reach Drago by daybreak. So best we fill this ship up with dragons and quick!"

He walks down onto the deck with concern on his face, sighing deeply. "It's no time to be picky! Not if we want to keep our..."

"Uh... Eret?" One of his men gets his attention, pointing to the sky. Eret's eyes widen when he sees three dragons flying in the distance towards them.

".. Heads!" He laughs, "off the port quarter!" Eret shouts, the men preparing the ballistas.

"Net them, lads! Take them down!"

He loads the ballista with a net, squinting to see the dragons before his eyes widen at the sight of the familiar Dragon riders.

"You're not gettin' away this time," he growls, switching the lever and firing the netting.


(D/N) straightens out, the silver flesh under his wings making him invisible as (Y/N) presses her front to the saddle, easily dodging the netting as Stormfly swoops above and spins, Toothless dodging left and right.




(D/N) lands on the ship with a snort, several of the men yelping in surprise as Eret narrows his eyes at the girl.

Hiccup lands besides her, Astrid at her other side and ready for battle as she grabs her battle axe.

"And here I was worried we might turn up empty handed," Eret smirks, aiming his sword at Hiccup.

Astrid rises from her seat, halting in confusion as Hiccup stops her. "Nope. It's your lucky day," he says, smiling wide, (Y/N) looks ahead as (D/N) rumbles with a raised brow.

"We give up!"

Eret's brow raises as his smirk falls to a confused frown, his sword drooping.

He shrugs as Astrid stares at the boy in bewilderment. "Here," (Y/N) calls, tossing her sword to Eret, who fumbles to catch it. 

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