|𝟭𝟬|~Reunited ∙

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The group fly into a cave, Eret grunting in pain as Stormfly drops him into the snow. He scrambles to his feet, attempting to run away as Stormfly lands on him.

She wraps her wings around him, cooing happily as she settles in. "Okay!" Eret grunts out in pain. "Look, I got you here. Now get this thing off me!"

Astrid jumps off Stormfly, looking back at Eret with a scoff. "Never take a toy from a dragon. Don't you know anything?"

"Why does this keep happening to me?" Eret wheezes out at Stormfly snuggles into him. The others follow Astrid up the hill, ducking and peering down below at the group of men and dozens of ships.

In the center the water was bubbling, the waves occasionally shifting. "What's down there?" Astrid whispers, Fishlegs taking out his cards of dragons.

"Large diameter of bubbles...massive lungs.."he mumbles, shifting through his cards. "Cold water deep dweller. I'm thinking class five leviathan, maybe six!"

Stormfly perks up with a low growl, swiftly rising and gaining the attention of Astrid and the group. She takes off flying, making Eret leap to his feet with a yell as he draws his sword.

Darts were suddenly fired, striking Hookfang in the neck several times. He roars, collapsing in a deep sleep.

Barf and Belch sit up, roaring as darts were fired all along Barf's neck. They roar and collapse, out cold.

Astrid and the others shout at their dragons in concern, halting as spears were aimed at them. Fishlegs shoots his hands up, dropping his cards into the snow.


Drago sneers, watching as bubbles rise in the water. He kneels down, his black braids shifting to his front from the motion as his dark brown eyes move along the water, scars littering his face.

"Drago!" Eret greets in a nervous tone from behind him, making the man grunt and rise to his feet. "Get off me!" He snaps at a trapper holding him, walking freely as he chuckles.

"Always great to see you, my friend!"
Armored dragons pull carts carrying their dragons, their hands bound as they were forced forward.

"Keeping warm up here?" Eret grins as Drago approaches, the armored dragons submitting in fear as he passes.

A man takes Eret's weapons, making him reach for them as he watches in confusion.

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