|𝟴|~Mother ∙

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"What..you just think after fifteen years you coming back will just magically solve everything?!"

"(Y/N)..you need to—"

"Hiccup I will smite you were you stand!!"

Everything and everyone went silent, Hiccup and Valka off to the side with (D/N) and Toothless, and (M/N) watching sadly as her daughter shook in her spot, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You could have come back mom!!" She yelled, the older of the two shaking her head, her smile small but broken.

"No..I couldn't.."


(M/N) stood at the bow of her ship, sighing softly as she stares into the wall of fog ahead.

"I had been assigned to track down the dragon's nest once and for all, and report back to Stoick as soon as I found it."

The waves swayed gently, the wind occasionally picking up and giving off the scent of ash and fire.

"We're close!" (M/N) yells, her men nodding and preparing for the sharp turn.

The make it through the fog, some of the men groan at the cold, wrapping their coats tighter around them.

The ship suddenly jolts to the side, (M/N) colliding into the railing with a groan.

She steadies herself, looking around in confusion before gasping as a shadow looms over her.

"It was an ambush..they had known we were coming.."

She staggers back with a gasp, her eyes narrowed as the Stormcutter growls, it's wings pulled high above its head.

(M/N) jerks her head back at the sound of screaming, watching in horror as many of her men were thrown overboard, and her ship caught on fire.

"I prayed to Odin that the last thing I would see before I died.."

She quickly reaches into her shirt, and pulls out a drawing..it was a drawing that looked like it had to have been done by a child, no older than 5.

It had a small girl in the center, and two figure on either side of her. They all had (H/C) locks, (E/C) dots in the middle of their round faces, and big smiles.

✔[𝟐] 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 || 𝙷.𝙷𝙰𝙳𝙳𝙾𝙲𝙺Where stories live. Discover now