|𝟭𝟮|~Fight ∙

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Several more blasts were fired at the Nest, shaking the ice and breaking it apart. Valka staggers outside of the cavern, (M/N) at her side.

Vritra growls softly and rushes to join
(M/N), looking at the Trappers below. Pieces of ice fall near Valka,Vritra pushing (M/N) out of the way.

Drago's fleet of soliders were docked on the land, the army already making their way towards the Nest.

Valka breaths heavily in anger as more cannons were fired. (Y/N) rushes out, (F/N) by her side, they both gasp in anger at the sight of the soldiers.

"Oh, no." Hiccup breathes out, shaking his head as Stoick joins his side. Valka swiftly turns, marching a few paces as (M/N) quickly follows.

"Mom, wait!" (Y/N) calls, grabbing her hand and stopping her.

"Val," Stoick stops Valka. "Val! It's all right, it's all right. We're all a team, now."

(M/N) takes in a deep breath, exhaling and nodding with a tight smile towards her husband and daughter.

"What do you want to do?"

"We have to save the dragons," Valka instructs, gently setting her hand on Stick's and her other on Hiccup.

"Aye, you got it!"

"Vritra and I will try to get rid of the catapults," (M/N) firmly says, making (F/N) sigh with a nod.

He turns to his wife, grabbing her hand and placing a firm kiss to her forehead. Both (M/N) and (F/N) look to eachother before nodding.

She looks to (Y/N), smiling softly and tightly hugging her.

"Be safe, (Y/N)."

"You too, Mom," (Y/N) quietly replies, hugging her back and pulling away reluctantly.

(M/N) nods with a grin, pulling her mask up and racing to Vritra, jumping on her back and flying off.

Dragons from the Nest angrily roar as they swoop down on the army, ready to protect their home. A dragon dives down, barely dodging a net before crashing into the snow and taking out some of the men.

More dragons pull the catapults closer to the Nest, the men all shouting and yelling as they rush forward. Some remain back, firing ballistas and catapults at the icy structure.

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