|𝟭𝟯|~Defeat ∙

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The dust cleared, and everything was silent. They all watch as the Bewilderbeast let out it's final roar before falling limp, the Alpha staring with an unreadable expression.

(Y/N) paid no attention to the scene, instead she stared at her father, a sob leaving her as (D/N) slowly lowered to the ground.

She couldn't bring herself to move, instead she sat on her dragon, her hands pulled into fists and her head hung low.

There was nothing she could do..


"No!" Valka gasps, reaching a hand out to the ice spitting dragon.


(M/N)'s eyes widen as Vritra roars, her eyes holding sadness.


Hiccup shakily exhales as he flips his mask up, his heart sinking as he watches Drago's Alpha rise.

The dragon turns to (Y/N), it's eyes flickering towards her father before looking back to Drago.


"No!" Astrid leans forward, her eyes wide as Eret watches in disbelief. Drago's Alpha pants heavily as he snorts, raising his head and letting out a thunderous roar.

The dragon's pupils all shrink as they listen, quickly flying to his side and swarming their new leader. They land and to him, under his command.


"We have won!" Drago smirks, he raises his spear, pointing to his Alpha before slowly pointing towards (F/N)'s body.

"..get rid of it!"

(Y/N) turns and snarls at the man, unsheathing her sword, she jumps off (D/N) and runs towards Drago, her dragon roaring in concern.


Valka gasps as Cloudjumper struggles to fight for control, roaring as he staggers and shakes his head.

The Bewilderbeast roars, making
Cloudjumper dive down to try to avoid his order. The Alpha spews ice at him, freezing his tail and causing him to struggle.

"Hold on!" Stoick bellows, staggering up and glancing towards his Commander, the smoke covered half of the man's body, making it impossible for Stoick to see (Y/N) or (D/N).

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