[𝟭𝟲]~Power •

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Drago squints his eyes from the ice, having not noticed Toothless and (D/N) rush to their friends rescue, the man wears a hideous smirk.

He turns back with a laugh, his hair falling into his eyes.

"(Y/N)!!" (M/N) screams, her and
Valka rushing down. "No!" Valka gasps, jumping from the Nadder and slamming on the ice.

(M/N) breathes heavily, jumping from the Nadder and grabbing (Y/N)'s sword, attempting to chip at the ice with it as Valka helplessly slams her fists against it.

Both mothers look down with ragged breaths, their eyes stinging as tears threatened to fall.


Gobber and Astrid rush over with the others, Astrid backing away a step with a gasp as tears form in her eyes. She sucks in a breath, her teeth clenched as she tugged on her necklace.

A faint blue glow starts to form within the ice, slowly spreading outwards as Astrid and Gobber notice with confusion.

"No..." Valka whimpers, leaning her forehead on the ice. (M/N) looks up, gasping at the light and pulling her friend away with a grunt.

"Move!" (M/N) yells, noticing the ice crackling and breaking away. Valka gasps, her eyes wide as she stables herself, gripping her friends hand as the two quickly rush away.

Drago's eyes widen as the ice glows even brighter, making him grunt as he attempts to back away.

The ice explodes, making people cry out and exclaim, the dust quickly cleared, revealing the two dragons covering Hiccup and (Y/N).

(D/N) had his wing over the two, the large scale of his limb making it easier to protect them better. Toothless stood over them, shaking his head while breathing heavily.

Hiccup held (Y/N) close to his chest, (Y/N)'s hands resting against the side of his head
and around his waist.

They both look up with shaky breaths, sighing in relief when they lock eyes. (Y/N) cups his cheeks, inspecting him for injuries before placing two small kisses over his closed eyes.

They both calm themselves down, looking ahead they gasp at the sight of their two saviors.

Toothless was glowing a brilliant blue, the color starting faint from the tip of his head but becoming more prominent as it travels down his back and to the tip of his tail.

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