|𝟰|~Plan ∙

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"Come on, Meatlug!" Fishlegs laughs as he, the Twins, and Snotlout race. Gothi gasps as they fly past her, her Terrible Terrors squawking and flying around in fear.

They gather around her as she softly coos at them, scooping one up and petting it just as Snotlout whizzes by, startling them once more into flying away.

She huffs, stomping her foot in annoyance as she glares at the boy's retreating form.


"Hey there, Stoick, (F/N)!" A man greets as both men walk into the workshop.

"Hey, how are you? Beautiful day," Stoick says with a nod, (F/N) chuckles, a smirk growing on his face when he spots Snotlout's father.

"Spitelout, great race." He teases, jumping in surprise when he almost runs into a woman.

"Sorry, Mrs. Ack.

She smiles and nods, walking away as Stoick approaches Gobber. "Any sign of them?"

"Ah!" Gobber waves his arm, his face covered by a welding mask. "They've probably flown off the edge of the world by now." He playfully says as he finishes his piece, walking over to a light blue Zippleback.

"Are you sure you want that kid running the village?" He questions as the Zippleback opens one of its mouths, revealing a missing tooth as Gobber sets the metal one in place.

"You can still delay your retirement."

"He's ready. You'll see." Stoick replies as Gobber hammers the tooth in lightly.
(F/N) nods, his grin never faltering. "With
(Y/N) at his side, they'll be unstoppable."

Toothless' roar catches their attention, making Stoick widely grin when he sees him land with (Y/N) at his side.

"There they are!" Stoick laughs, (F/N) jogging towards his daughter and tackling her in a hug.

"The prides of Berk!"

"That's us.." (Y/N) mumbles, patting her dad on the back before the two detach. (F/N) smiles at his daughter, but it wipes away when he notices her clutching her hand.

He reaches down, tugging it to eye level and narrowing his eyes at the sight of her prosthetic, the metal was loose against her knuckles, the thumb hanging haphazardly against her palm, as if she couldn't move it.

✔[𝟐] 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 || 𝙷.𝙷𝙰𝙳𝙳𝙾𝙲𝙺Where stories live. Discover now