|𝟲|~Stranger ∙

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Hiccup and (Y/N) glide across the clouds in a tense silent, Hiccup's knuckles white as he tightly grips the saddle.

(Y/N) turns to the boy, a frown permanent on her lips. She looks down at (D/N), sighing and reaching down to pat his head, the dragon opens his eyes, shaking his head to wake up.

Hiccup screams in frustration, punching at the air and laying back on Toothless as he jumps.
(D/N) purrs softly, looking back at his rider before jerking his head towards Hiccup.

She nods, slowly rising to her feet and balancing as she looks towards Toothless, the Night Fury rumbling and gently gliding over.

Hiccup opens his eyes in surprise, looking over and smiling at his girlfriend. (Y/N) dosent look at him, instead she silently moves and sits behind him as he sighs again, leaning back.

He leans back fully and rests his head on her shoulder, (Y/N) wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning the side of her head against Hiccup's, squeezing him gently.

He laughs at the feeling, squirming as the
(H/C) girl buries her face into his shoulder with a giggle.

They both calm down, Hiccup sighing gently and gripping (Y/N)'s hand.

"Don't worry, (Y/N)," He says after a moment, rubbing her hand with his thumb.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you or them..I promise.."

She smiles gently, kissing the top of her boyfriends head before taking a quick glance towards (D/N), frowning when she notices his ears standing on end, his fur rising as he looks back and flies near the trio with a low hiss.

(Y/N) follows his gaze, gasping softly at the sight of a masked face peaking above the clouds. The person tilts their head at her, rolling their shoulders as they continue to stare.

(Y/N) glares harshly, gritting her teeth as she grips Hiccup's waist, the boy shifting at the uncomfortable feeling.


"Aw, come on, dad! Really?" He growls, sitting up and gasping when he locks eyes with the person.

(D/N) lowly growls in warning, the person's head turning to him before they duck down, lowering and disappearing below the clouds.

"Okay," Hiccup softly says, looking around as (Y/N) reaches down, unbuckling the small pocket near her thigh and gripping her knife.

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