[𝟭𝟰]~Goodbye ∙

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Two longboats gently push through the water, their sails raised high and proud. Fog surrounded the water and crept into the boats, a blanket keeping the occupants from harm.

Across the shore, two arrows stood, perched into the gravel. Gobber sighs, taking slow steps towards the weapons before plucking them out, a permanent frown etched onto his face.

"May the Valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin's great battlefield.."

(Y/N) slowly made her way around, two bows clutches in her grasp. Her sword laid discarded beneath a rock, the girl refusing to look at the only thing her father left her.

She made her way forward to Hiccup's side, neither of the two spoke, nor did they look at eachother. They stood there, their faces sunken as Gobber continued his speech.

"May they sing your names with love and fury.."

His voice shaking lightly and thick with tears.

"So that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla, and know you have taken your rightful place at the table of Kings, with the most noblest of warriors.."

Valka and (M/N) stand, (M/N)'s arm over her shoulder and her other hand wrapped around her stomach, in a comforting hug.

(Y/N) offers Hiccup the bow, making him sigh as he takes it and the arrow from Gobber.

Gobber gently pats Hiccup's shoulder before patting (Y/N)'s head, and turning to join the others.

"For two great men have fallen. A warrior...a Chieftain...fathers.."

Hiccup looks at the bow in his hands, stray tears falling from his eyes as he takes a deep breath.

"Friends," Gobber chokes out after a moment, blinking away tears as he looks to the boat carrying Stoick before turning to the boat carrying (F/N).

His throat closes up at the sight, guilt eating at him. He should have made amends with the man, he should have tried harder to get to know him.

They should have been friends..

(Y/N) reaches over, gently setting her hand over Hiccup's as he takes in another breath, nodding and exhaling as she pulls away.

The two light their arrow heads ablaze before aiming, Hiccup releasing his arrow and (Y/N)'s quickly following after.

His arrow lands on the Chief's boat, (Y/N)'s striking near her father as it starts to burn through the wood.

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