[𝟭𝟳]~Berk •

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The crowd slowly began to cheer as the Bewilderbeast flees into the sea, the twins banging their heads together in excitement.

Toothless pants lightly, relaxing as (D/N) happily chitters to him. Hiccup looks down at the sea with a frown, shaking his head in disbelief.

(Y/N) looks over and notices his frown. Slowly she reaches over and places her hand on his shoulder, patting it gently with a small smile. He looks to her with a nod, grinning before turning to the others.

(D/N) follows Toothless as he jumps from the ice and near the crowd, the crowd all swarming them with cheers.

Hiccup jumps off Toothless, offering his hand to (Y/N). She smirks, grabbing his hand and hopping off (D/N) with a laugh as he kisses her forehead.

The dragons above fly down to Berk to greet their new Alpha and Beta, Toothless looking around with a small smile.

Cloudjumper lands with Vritra at his side, approaching the two with a rumble and bowing. Toothless looks confused, turning to (D/N) with a tilt of his head.

The Howl offers his friend a toothy grin, gently bowing his head before raising it. He jerks his head to the crowd surrounding them, and Toothless slowly relaxes, his face becoming stoic as he looks forward.

He lets out a powerful roar, raising his head in the air as his wings part slightly. The others do the same, making him grin before he turns and faces Hiccup.

(Y/N) smiles proudly as (D/N) walks at Toothless' side before jogging over to her in excitement, purring and rubbing his forehead into her hand as she laughs.

"You two never cease to amaze me," Hiccup softly says, rubbing (D/N)'s chin before facing Toothless. He sets his forehead against his, making Toothless purr. "Thank you, bud."

Toothless suddenly licks Hiccups face, making him groan in disgust as the crowd starts laughing at the two.

(Y/N) recoils with a laugh, pausing when
(D/N) smirks. "No..!" She screams, yelping in disgust as he jumps up and begins to lick her forehead . "You are disgusting!"

(D/N) rumbles happily as she wipes the saliva away, facing Hiccup with a snort as he pushes away from Toothless.

"Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out!" He yells with a laugh, rubbing the saliva off. The dragons eagerly rush to meet their friends, people crying out in joy as they hug their friends.

✔[𝟐] 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 || 𝙷.𝙷𝙰𝙳𝙳𝙾𝙲𝙺Where stories live. Discover now