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"I don't like this." Astrid huffs, Stormfly anxiously padding around the iceberg her and the group rest on. "They should have been back with Hiccup and (Y/N) by now," she worries, looking out to sea.

Snotlout offers a chicken leg to Ruffnut, who rudely shoves his hand away and causes the meat to fall into the sea.

"I don't like it either," she pouts, huffing.
"Eret, son of Eret was the man of my dreams.
My everything!"

Snotlout frowns, stroking his stubble. "But baby, I grew facial hair for you."

"Me, too." Fishlegs sighs, placing a hand on his face. "What if Drago shot them down?" Astrid fusses, "What if they need our help?" She shakes her head, looking out to the horizen.

"We have to find them."

"W-wait, what?" Fishlegs stammers, looking up at her. "No, but Stoick said-!"

"It doesn't matter what he said if they've all been captured!" Astrid interrunts, making him jump as she takes off on Stormfly.

"Come on!"


Eret and his men sail on the icy sea, avoiding glaciers. "Do we go back?" A man questions in fear.

"We have nowhere to go, nothing to sell, and no heads to call our own!" Eret sighs, adjusting the ice on his head. "If we don't turn up with dragons, and fast-!"

He lets out a shriek as he was suddenly grabbed and pulled into the air, his men all shouting after him.

"Careful what you wish for!" Astrid muses, grinning down at the man struggling in Stormfly's talons.

"Eret, son of Eret!" His men shout, firing ballistas at the group.

"What is this?!" Eret demands as they turn to avoid the nets.

"A kidnapping," Astrid nonchalantly replies, shrugging.

"Yay!" Ruffnut grabs his foot before grabbing his arm.

"Can he ride with me? Can he? Can he?" She huskily questions, making Eret groan in disgust and yank his arm away as Tuffnut steers their dragon away from him with a gag.

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