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"BACK IN THE STUDIO!!" Riley jumped with excitement as we made it back to our "headquarters". It was just a huge office building in the middle of the city.

"Thank fucking god, my back hurts from sleeping on the ground so much." Spencer groaned holding his back and leaned back causing a pop in his bones which made him groan.

"Could've shared a bed with me." I wiggled my eyebrows at the taller man.

"And have you sprawl out all over me? Absolutely not."

"Hey! I'm comfy to sleep with, right Riley?" I asked with a desperate laugh.

"You to slept with each other?!" Spencer asked with a crazed laugh.

"Not like that we didn't!" Riley replied with wide eyes. "And sure (Y/n), you're comfy to sleep with." I smiled at this and stuck my tongue out at Spencer.

"I'll rip that out of your mouth." He stated then I quickly put in back into my face.

"Where are we going to next?" I asked Riley.

"Somewhere haunted." Spencer chimes in sarcastically.

"Not only haunted," Riley sat down at his desk and started typing on his computer. "Says it's a portal to hell for demons and demonic creatures."

"Wow, sounds like you're gonna love this place." I giggled sarcastically. Riley hates anything haunted so it's ten times worse when it has to do with demons.

"I don't know why I do this to myself."

"Because the fame and money is nice." Spencer joked. Obviously we started this because we thought it would be fun, we didn't really think we could make a living like this.

"I don't know know if this place is going to be worth it." He sighed.

"So why are we goin'?" I asked leaning on his desk.

"Our fans want us to go." He said still looking at the screen, a white glow illuminated his face. "Apparently it's going to be one of the most haunted places we will ever go to, that's in the U.S of course."

"I'll take you to a church and we can get holy water if you'd like." I told him.

"Why, what's gonna happen? A demon possesses you?" The skeptical Spencer asked with a huff.

"Maybe." Grumbled Riley.

"Don't be rude Spencer, whatever makes him feel safe." I defended, mostly because I also wanted to get the holy water as well. I believe in ghosts and demons but I wasn't truly scared of them like Riley was, however the thought of a portal to hell did creep me out a bit.

"You both need to start seeing to believe."

"But if we do what's going to happen to our fame and money." I mocked him.

"Fair." He shrugs taking a sip of water.

We joked around a bit longer then started discussing what we should do for dinner. We ended up deciding on going out to get some pizza from a local Italian place. We started to help clean up so we could leave as fast as we could.

"Hey guys, just letting you know that tomorrow night is when you are going to the location, so rest up." Our manager Sophie told us earning groans from the three of us. All we wanted to do was sleep. Obviously we wanted to go as well but this means we really have to savor our time in bed tonight.

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