Truth or Dare

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I closed the door behind Dew and watched as he pulled out two pairs of sweatpants and two hoodies laying them on the bed. He immediately started to change and I blushed looking at my feet.

"You have absolutely no shame Dewdrop." I said with a nervous chuckle.

He walked over, having only put on his sweatpants. Dew ilted my chin up so I looked him in the eyes still blushing "Nudity is a normal thing for us ghouls especially with our mates princess."

"Are you okay Dew?" I asked knowing he was trying to mask his internal feelings.

"I will be once I know you are safe. I'm talking to sister tomorrow about moving you down here because I don't trust him. And tonight you are staying with me, okay?" He explained. "Now go get changed, I won't look."

I nodded and went over changing into the hoodie and sweatpants he left out for me. He chuckled when he heard me smell the hoodie.

"What? it smells like you!" I said rhetorically.

He smiled and turned around figuring I was dressed "Damn I was hoping to see at least something." He joked as I sat on his bed.

"Only you Dew..." I quipped with an eye roll as he slotted himself in between my legs. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"(Y/n), I'm fine, I promise. I'll be even better once I can get my mind off it." He softly spoke and pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose.

"You missed." I teased with a smile. He placed a kiss on my cheek "You missed again." He placed another on my cheek and the corner of my lip "So close but not quite there yet."

He smiled at my antics and pulled me closer to him by my legs and pressed a kiss to my lips. He kept his hands on my thighs and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We stayed in our little world enjoying the feeling of the bond every time our lips met.

Until there was a pounding on the door "Let's go you sluts." Swiss jokingly yelled.

I laughed as I pulled away from Dew. I rested my forehead against his trailing hand down his chest smiling when I felt him shiver under my touch.

"God I hate Swiss for that. You are so're like a drug." Dew said softly.

"I can say the same thing about you." I said with a smirk appearing as I felt him tense under my fingers that traced the tattoo on his stomach.

He kissed my cheek, then down my jaw to my neck and I tilted my head slightly to let him as he nuzzled into it.

"I don't want to go out just yet." Dew mumbles into my neck between soft kisses.

"They can start without us." I said running my nails up and down his back.

"I can't wait to mark you one day. Make you mine." He mumbled. "I'm thinking maybe here." He said softly sucking on the flesh in the few possible spots. "Not a fan princess?"

"I don't know, I can't see where." I scratched his back gently.

"You don't have to see the pull will tell you." He mumbled. He kissed over my pulse point. I froze and my breathing hitched slightly. I started scratching his back again to hide it and he chuckled "X marks the spot." He said before sucking on the spot leaving the darkest mark out of them all. I dug my nails unintentionally into his back at the action "Easy, princess." He said softly, running his hand up and down my thighs "That's all it takes to get you worked up?"

"Stop teasing me." I whined and buried my face in his neck.

"Princess I gotta finish getting dressed before they get pissed." He said softly and kissed my head. I pulled away slightly watching him pull the other hoodie on, wincing slightly from the bruises forming on his side.

The Summoning (Dewdrop x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now