There's More?

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"Well that was pointless." Spencer huffed out. We tried to go to Sister Imperator's office but she wasn't there.

  "Where could she be?" Riley asked himself looking down.

   We were stood outside her office not knowing what to do. It was infuriating being stuck here and having no idea if we would be able to get out.

   "Wanna go back to the library?" I proposed.

   "Got nothing else to do." Shrugged Spencer and he started walking back to the library.

   We strolled through the hallways just trying to make it back to the library. We looked out the windows that weren't stained glass and saw that it was a beautiful day outside.

"You think we could go outside? It's a beautiful day out." Riley said to the group, turning around to face us.

"Is there a way to get into that courtyard?" Spencer asked looking around for an entrance.

"There is one over there if we just round the corner." I pointed out the window to a doorway.

"Wow, look at Bat using her eyes." Spencer teased.

"Just open your eyes man." I playfully rolled mine.

"That's to much work. Let's go." He waved his hand dismissively with a smile.

We eventually rounded the corner to the open doorway into the courtyard. It was pretty big. It had a fountain, a few tables, garden and a greenhouse. There was a man in the green house who looked old and was dressed in red and black robes. He also wore the skull face paint like the Papa but it looked a lot more scary then the other.

"Who is that?" Whispered Spencer, pointing at the man in the greenhouse.

"I don't fucking know?!" I whispered back more of like a yelling whisper.

"Let's just sit at these tables." Riley began to walk over to the tables on the other side. There were a few people already there so there was only one table left to sit at.

   The seats were a little damp but not to bad. Riley was the first to bite the bullet and sit down, then Spencer. They both groaned at the fact that their asses were now wet.

  "You know it's not that bad." Riley wiggled a bit to get more comfortable.

"Uh huh, sure." I said looking down at them because I didn't want it to look like I pissed myself.

  "You don't want to sit, sister?" Spencer snorted again at his own joke.

   "Yeah, I don't want it to look like I wazzed myself." I huffed out with a smile.

  "That's fair." Riley spoke and rested his head in his left hand. We were silent for a moment just thinking about what was happening and letting the past 24 hours sink in.

   "Do they have jobs here?" Spencer asked, breaking the silence.

   "I mean they gotta." Riley replied, lifting his head up again.

   "I need money, I feel vulnerable without it."

   "You feel vulnerable without the fame and money?" I cooed with sarcasm.

   "I mean yeah. You're telling me you don't feel vulnerable right now?" Spencer let out a sad sigh. I thought for a second again. He was right. We were stuck here with absolutely nothing.

  "I mean yeah, falling through a portal to a completely new world without anything but a camera is gonna make me feel vulnerable." I said plainly. They both looked at me then right behind me causing me to turn around. The old man that was in the greenhouse was now right in front of us along with three ghouls in bug like masks. I immediately recognized one of them as the tall ghoul from before. There was another ghoul stood next to him and an even smaller one next to the other. The smallest one was staring in the direction of us though I couldn't really tell what he was looking at.

   "Uh, hello." I greeted the man. He looked at me for a second then let out a sigh. He then turned to face all of the tables, waiting for people to notice he was there.

   "I just put a lot of work into that garden over there." He paused and pointed to the corner of the courtyard with a bunch of flowers. "I don't want to see them all messed up when I come back here tomorrow." He finished and began walking away when everyone said yes papa in unison which freaked the three of us out a bit. It didn't help that the three ghouls were still here looking at us. The taller one whispered something to the shorter two then they walked closer to us.

   "Hey." Spencer now greeted the ghouls.

   "Hello." The tall ghoul spoke up and waved to the three of us. "I'm sorry about before." He apologized looking at me.

"Oh it's fine, don't worry about it." Though I could feel how hot my face was getting.

"What happened?" Asked the shortest of the group.

"I'll tell you guys when we go back to the dens."

"Aether already told me." The middle ghoul blurted out rather quietly.

"Of course he did. That's so him." The shorter grumbled.

"Dew I'm gonna fill you in, just give me a minute." Mountain sighed.

"Why didn't Aether tell me?" The ghoul now known as Dew huffed looking at the man next to him.

"He did you just weren't listening. Too busy annoying Swiss."

I turned around while the three of them were bickering to each other to see Spencer and Riley already trying to hold their laughter. It took a lot for me to not start as well. The looks on their faces didn't help at all.

"What kind of names are these?" Spencer leaned against the table to whisper to the two of us. I crouched down and rested my elbows on the table to listen better.

"Ghoul names, duh." I playfully rolled my eyes only to be met with the most bitch please look I have ever witnessed in my life. "Damn, tough crowd." I muttered standing up straight again. I turned back around to see that the ghouls had left.

   "Damn, they are scared of you Bat." Riley chuckled out.

   "That, or her ass was in their faces."

   "It was not, Spencer!" I yelled a bit but not loud enough for people to notice. He just kept looking at me with a smirk. "Was it?!" I panicked a bit.

   "Na, I was just messing." He started laughing at my panicked expression.

  "Do you just hate me?" I huffed out, crossing my arms.

   "Only the normal amount." He playfully winked.

   "Do you guys wanna try and find Papa? He might have something for us to do." Riley was quick to interfere with our "argument".

   "Yeah let's go."

Word count 1124

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