Office Hours

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We walked along the air conditioned halls to Sister Imperator's office. It was a short walk to the office wing when I remembered that everyone was currently in a meeting.

"Guys, I think they are in a meeting now." I said as we made it to her office door.

"So what should we do?" Spencer huffed, swinging himself around so he was facing us.

   "Wait?" Riley shrugged.

   "I'm tired of waiting." Spencer grumbled lowly.

   "We all are." I sighed, hugging myself for some sort of comfort.

   "Do... do you think they are looking for us, like Sophie or our parents?" I've never seen Spencer so venerable before and it sent pain to my heart.

"Maybe." Our conversation was cut short by the door to the conference room opening where we saw Primo, papa and three other men walking out the Sister Imperator following behind. The five men lingered around. Three of them with confused looks on their faces.

   "I haven't found anything to get you guys back yet." She sighed. "That was the main point of this meeting. We were trying to figure out what you guys should do in the meantime."

   "That's actually why I wanted to speak to you." I told the older woman. "I was wondering if, in the meantime I could possibly work in the gardens?" I asked. She turned to Primo and he nodded.

"I think that's a good idea." He stated. She then turned to Spencer and Riley.

"Do you know what you two would like to do?" She crossed her arms, not in a rude way just a way to not have them awkwardly at her side. I was standing in front of them but I knew they shook there heads because one of the men spoke up.

"Terzo and I could use some assistance." The man in green robes stepped forward and placed his hand on the shoulder of who I presume to be Terzo.

"If they are okay with that, I have nothing against it." She shrugged.

"Sure." They said together.

"When do we start?" Spencer eagerly asked. He was always willing to find something to do. The man never stopped unless it was to sleep.

"Would now be good?" The shorter of the group asked.

   "We aren't doing anything else!" Riley chuckled brightly, like he always does. His laugh was one that always made your day no matter how horrible it was.

The four of them then left down the hall leaving me with Sister Imperator, primo, papa and some other old ass man. No idea who he was but he looked pretty important judging by the gold and white robes he was wearing.

   "Is everything in the gardens done?" Primo faced me.

   "I don't know, all I did was water the flowers in the greenhouse." I replied.

   "That's all that needed to be done today, thank you. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, (Y/n)." He spoke with an old gravely voice.

   "Thank you, same to you." I said with a straight face but on the inside I cringed because I couldn't think of anything else to say. Thankfully to save myself from further embarrassment Violet walked up to us with Dew next to her.

   "You asked for me sister?" It was a rhetorical question that Violet asked.

   "I did. I need you to go out and get me these things." She pulled a paper from her pocket and handed it to Violet. "You can go after lunch."

"Great! Thank you, Sister." Violet took the paper with a smile. "Hungry?" She turned to me and asked.

"A bit." I lied. I was starving.

   "Then let's get food before everyone else takes our spot!" She clapped her hands then me and the fire ghoul followed behind, exchanging a quick glance at each other before running behind.

Word count 637

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