Help in The Garden

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   It's been two weeks . Two weeks of us being here. We still had no idea how to get home and what we would do with ourselves in the meantime. The only thing the three of us have been doing was hanging out in the library, desperate to find anything to get us home. A couple times we would hang out with Violet and the ghouls in the dens or during meals. I was getting a little more comfortable with them but I would say I was the closest to Mountain and Aether out of the whole group. Rain barley talked while Swiss was constantly talking about everything and anything. Dew was the most intimidating out of the whole group despite his size. I couldn't tell what he thought of me and my friends and it scared me. The last thing I wanted was to be an annoyance to some place that I felt I didn't belong.

Violet had left the room a little bit ago which left me here by myself. It was only 8:00 so I knew Spencer and Riley weren't up yet. I grumbled to myself, bored out of my mind so I decided that it was time to get up from my bed and get ready for the day.

I turned the shower off and lazily got out. By the time I was done getting ready breakfast was just finished, which was fine by me because I haven't had much of an appetite since we've been here but hopefully we either 1) get to go home soon. Or 2) I get more comfortable here. I hope that it's option one because I don't want to be here more longer then I have to be.

   I walked out the door hopeful to make my way to the boys room when the familiar tall earth ghoul was walking past. And no he didn't bump into me this time. He stopped walking and looked at me with a smile.

"Hello Mountain." I gave a small wave.

"Hey (Y/n), how are you." He asked, looking down at me with a smile.

"Good, good. You?"

   "I'm doing well, I was actually wondering if you could help me in the garden?" He questioned but sounded doubtful of the answer. I thought for a moment and decided that my boys didn't need me right now.

   "Sure!" I smiled up at the tall ghoul.

   "Oh great! Thank you so much." He let out a held breath. 

   We walked along the corridor and out to the courtyard to see the man in red robes that I now know as Primo. He was in the green house and of course that's where we had to go. I haven't spoken to him but occasionally when we all go down to the dens we see his ghouls down there, though they mostly keep to themselves. They had a very intimidating aura around them and it scared me quite a bit.

   "Hello Primo." Mountain greeted the man. He had his back turned to us while he was tending to some roses.

"Hello Mountain." He turned and greeted with a smile. It slightly freaked me out to see him smile because I never have. "And you are?" He asked so nicely, the complete opposite to how he spoke when I first saw him on our second day here.

"(Y/n), Sir." We shook hands.

"No need to be so formal, Primo works just fine." The old man smiled brightly. It made me feel a whole lot better being around him just by that. "I assume Mountain brought you here to help out." He motioned towards the earth ghoul. I gave a nod, still not the most comfortable with talking to people in such high positions. I assume it's going to be an issue I have for the rest of my life.

"I figured she could help water the plants because Rain is at a practice with Copia right now." Mountain spoke with his deep voice. Primo let out a hum of approval.

"Yes, that works." He stated. "Why are you not there right now?" He questioned Mountain after a pause. He shrugged.

   "They didn't need me at the moment. Some sort of acoustic practice, I don't know."

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