Basement Hangout

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   "So when did you three get here?" Asked the ghoul we now know to be named Swiss. We have been down here for an hour now, just hanging out. We were all sat around on the couch, which was the biggest couch I've ever been on, let alone see. I was sat next to both Riley and Violet. And because of the way the couch was shaped Spencer (who was sat next to Aether and Dew.) was sat across from us. Everyone was talking and having a good time but I just felt like I couldn't talk. I wanted to but the words were stuck in my throat and I already looked stiff sitting on the couch (which I didn't realize until Aether asked why I had such good posture.) but overall I was stuck in this purgatory of wanting to join a conversation but couldn't. And the question Swiss just asked felt like it was about to send me over the edge.

  "We got here yesterday." Spencer replied.

  "Wait you guys were the ones who walked into the church during our service. What was with all the camera equipment?" Swiss asked practically jumping off his seat.

   "We were ghost hunting." Riley told the ghouls. They all looked around sharing glances at each other like they were talking through their minds, which I didn't doubt they could do.

"Where are you guys from? You have an interesting accent." Violet spoke up and the three of us kinda froze for a second and looked at each other. It was clear she said it to change the conversation but this was much worse then the previous one.

"Around." Riley quickly got out. Me and Spencer looked at each other with a is he serious look on our faces before a smile broke out on them. Everyone else held their head to the side in confusion.

  "I wouldn't say that." I mumbled under my breath so no one could hear it, purely for my own amusement. I would even argue that not a single noise came out.

   "What do you mean?" Dew asked suddenly. My eyes went wide at the fact that he heard me. I could've sworn no one would be able to. Riley and Violet then looked at Dew with confusion all over their faces. "Where are you guys from?" He asked a lot less aggressively then before.

"My dad's balls." Spencer said with a complete straight face, almost like he was dissociating and it was a reaction from the soul causing everyone to start laughing at least a little bit. It was a relief to have him say that.

"That was out of pocket!" I huffed out as I was laughing. It was just loud enough for Riley to hear it. Though I was very thankful to myself that I finally said something.

"That's how he is." Riley shrugged but kept his wide smile on his face.

   Eventually the ghouls plus Violet stopped asking us that question and we moved on to another topic. Like apparently the ghouls and the papa are in a band. We all thought that was pretty interesting. A satanic band we have heard of, obviously, but actual demons in a satanic band was pretty new to us.

  "Yeah, one time Dew was gifted this worm plush that looked just like a dick, and we spent the entire rest of the tour throwing it at each other!" Swiss laughed.

  "Wait- was it's name Wormi?!" Riley asked through laughter. Swiss could only nod aggressively as his laughter was to hard. Riley then turned to me, "Remember Jay's basement?" He asked. I did in fact remember exactly what he was talking about. A blush fell to my face as the memory's flooded through my brain.

   Me and Riley were in our senior year of high school while Jay was a sophomore in college. For Christmas that year I thought it would've been funny to get him this worm plush because it "looked like him." Obviously it didn't actually but when it came it was much smaller then we thought it was going to be so it made the perfect weapon to throw at each other when we all hung out, which was usually in Jay's basement. He had a summer house in the same neighborhood that Riley's house was in so it was very convenient for picking out what was base or jail for manhunt.

"Y'all just love leaving me out!" Spencer playfully joked with a pouty face.

"Not my fault you had to grow up with a shitty accent." Riley shrugged.

"Like you guys have a better one! Go on say the word sauce!" Spencer laughed like a crazed man.

"Sauws." Me and Riley replied trying to keep a straight face, but ultimately failing.

"You guys really do have interesting accents." Violet commented again.

"Thank you." Spencer then bowed in his seat at the compliment.

"She was talking about the three of us, not just you, dumbass." Riley responded.

"We all just know my Boston accent is superior."

"You wish." I spoke up.

   "Where is Boston?" A ghoul asked, I couldn't tell which one when I realized what we just did. Spencer shrugged.

   "You gotta go through hell to get there." He exaggerated.

   "Literally." Riley added on with a laugh. Though no one else was laughing, they just stared at us and I could feel my blood running through my veins.

  "What do you mean by that?" Dew asked looking at Riley. The three of us then looked at each other.

  We didn't really have a reason to not tell them. It was just gonna be weird to explain to someone that we fell through a portal and wound up somewhere completely different. It's not like we could ask where we were anyway, that would look extremely weird. Like hey we just kinda showed up here. Where are we? No, yea the only thing we have are cameras and a helmet with a camera attached to it. Please let us stay here because we don't know how to get home.

  "We fell."

  "On your heads?" Swiss asked, and while it sounded like a genuine question I hope he was joking.

  "On our fat asses." Spencer spoke like he was concluding a sentence.

  "Yeah, they helped stop the blow." I chuckled a bit and everyone looked at me because I finally said something. Spencer leaned over to give me a high five which I took with a smile on my face.

   "What brought you guys to the church?" Aether asked as he took a sip of some sort of tea from the kitchen.

   "We needed help and we figured this place could do that job. And it did."

   "You guys didn't come with much." Mountain spoke up.

  "We pack light." Spencer said. I felt like I was stuck in this conversation with no way out and I wanted nothing more then to leave. I was so uncomfortable but I couldn't just leave, I was probably going to see them again sometime in the near future.

   I would kill to eat some pizza right now. I don't think I've ever felt more homesick then at this exact second. We better have that book soon.

   "It's getting late and I'm starving, let's go get dinner." Violet said though I could tell she senesced something was wrong because it came up abruptly.

  We all then stood up and made our way to the cafeteria. Though this time we had a flashlight to see up the stairs.

Word count 1253

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