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We walked out of the bright courtyard in hopes to find papa. The papa we were the most comfortable with, not the old man with scarier face paint. Nothing against him, he was just a little bit to threatening to look at.

The marble hall was slightly cooler then the weather outside. There were some people in the halls but they were mostly empty. We rounded a corner only for a person to bump into me, stop, look at me, then run off with a scared look on his face.

"I'm gonna kill my self." I grumbled out, as the man ran away. I swear the only way this could get worse is if Spencer or Riley leave me.

"No! No, don't kill your self! You're too sexy!" Riley joked out, laughing a bit at the end. If helped a bit but I still had this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.

  "Why are people only running into you?" Spencer laughed out.

   "No idea, but if someone inconveniences me again I might lose it."

   "Hey (Y/n)! And (Y/n)'s friends!" The familiar voice and face of Violet greeted from in front of us as we rounded another corner. She was holding a huge box of papers with another box on top.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked with a smile, trying to mask how I was feeling, though I was relaxing quite a bit.

"Papa asked me to run these down to the dens for the ghouls. So I'm heading there now." She smiled as she readjusted her grip on the box.

"Do you want help? It looks like a lot." Spencer asked the tall woman in front of us.

"If it's not to much trouble, I was told to take multiple trips so we will have to go back." She said as Spencer took the box on top.

"Where is papas office, and the dens?" Riley asked. Violet then gave the instructions on where they both were and Riley and I set off to get the extra stuff.

   We walked into the office which was a small room with a window behind the desk and very few shelves. There were boxes stacked on the sides of the desk with Papa sitting down and doing paperwork.

"Ah, where is your friend?" Papa asked us with his Italian accent.

"He went with Violet to the dens. We are here to help out." Riley told the man. His eyes seemed to light up at this.

"Thank you, you can take these boxes right here. Do you know what room to go into?" He let out a sigh. We both shook our heads at his question. "It's the first room to the left." And with that we thanked him and took the boxes out of his office.

We made it to the staircase which was a lot darker the farther you went down.

"I swear to god if I trip, I'll do it." I laughed a bit to Riley as we made it further down. It was extremely dark at this point and we didn't have our phones for a flashlight. Not that we could use it anyway, our hands were to full.

"Honestly, me to bro." Riley joked along.

We made it to the bottom with me stumbling a bit but I quickly caught myself while Riley snorted out a laugh. I shook my head with a smile though I don't think anyone could see it. I couldn't see two inches in front of me because of how dark it was.

"Can you see?" Riley asked, I shook my head only to realize he couldn't see.

"Nope." I popped the p out. "Imma drag my foot along the wall and hope to find a door." I said and began walking.

"Imma stay here, call to me when you get there. I'll just follow your voice." He called out from behind me.

My foot dragged against the king and because of how dark it was I couldn't tell how far I was walking. It felt like forever but I knew it couldn't of been that long. Finally I heard some voices behind the wall and my foot slipped into a doorway. I then called back to Riley and I heard him start walking towards me. He made it in half the time I got here, probably because I was dragging my foot in front of me. I gave a knock on the door and it immediately opened. On the other side of the door was Violet and she quickly took the boxes from my hand and set them aside so I could help out Riley.

   "Thank you guys for the help, it means a lot." Her smile was bright.

   "Not a problem." I waved off.

   "Yeah, we were actually looking for something to do." Riley piped up.

   "Then I'm glad I ran into you guys." Violet giggled. I then looked around the room to see all of the ghouls standing around, some looking at us but the majority just doing something else. I then noticed the ghoul from breakfast walk into the room. He looked at us then smiled and waved.

   "Hey, didn't expect to see you three so soon?"

   "You met them?" Violet asked Aether, shock in her voice. He then gave an awkward chuckle.

  "Yeah, Mountain accidentally ran into her. I apologized for him." He explained and I felt my face heat up at the memory. I then looked around the room again to see Mountain staring at me from the couch that was to the left a couple feet from the door. Then another ghoul from behind him perked up to check out what he was looking at. I quickly turned to face Spencer and Riley and desperately tried to think of something to talk about.

   "Would you four like to stay and hang out? Seeing as you have nothing else to do." Aether asked and I turned around.

  "I'm down." Spencer responded and I could only cringe more at needing to stay any longer here.

Word count 1006


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