Where the Fuck

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"What?! Just trying to ease the mood!" Spencer got defensive.

"Do you believe us now?" I asked with a Raspy voice and felt the rain roll off my helmet and onto my face. He looked at me for a moment then down at his feet and I saw him lick his lips.

"I do."

"Great, now that we have agreed on that, where the fuck are we?!" Riley shouted a little earning a few nasty glances at people. I pulled my phone out only to see that there was no service at all and that it was 8:00 am.

"Well out phones won't work." I grumbled mostly to myself.

"Let's ask." Shrugged Spencer.

"We look crazy." I brought up zoned out looking over at a black Catholic looking church which had people going in with black outfits on. Seeing as no other place looked opened yet we decided to wait out the rain there.

"Will they let us in?" Spencer asked.

"They should, they are a church, it's there job to protect people." Riley replied to the man.

"Let's just go, I don't want to end up sick after whatever just happened." I sighed finally realizing I was holding the camera again. "Shit." I swore to myself and looked around for anything to help protect it from the elements.

"Bat it's fine, the camera is the least of our concern right now." Spencer put a hand on my shoulder which gave me some comfort. It was taken away when the burning sensation on my chest started up again.

   "Fuck." I whispered.

   "The camera is fine.-"

  "It's not the camera, my chest burns like someone keeps scratching at it!" I rushed out and could feel tears pricking at my eyes.

   "I would ask to see but I feel like that may be a weird request in the middle of a town." Spencer told me to ease the situation.

   "Would be a normal thing to see if we were back home." Riley chuckled causing me to join in.

  "Here let's go to that church and ask for help. Maybe this isn't the first time this has happened." Spencer concluded with a concerned look in his eyes.

   We made our way there with the bell on top of the church ringing signaling that the mass is starting. We walked into the vestibule to see that this was a very odd looking church but we thought it was just a weird cultural thing. We looked at the alter to see that no one was up there yet so we quickly removed our weird ass helmet so we didn't attract any more attention to ourselves. We got into the actual church room and sat at a pew in the back to notice that there was no casket by the alter which caused the three of us to look at each other.

   "I don't know how I feel about this place." Riley whispered on my right while Spencer was on my left.

   "I'm sure we will be fine." I immediately bit my tongue when four men in bug like masks walked out and stepped up to the altar. Following them was a man in skull face paint and black n' blue robes.

   "The fuck?" We whispered at the same time quiet enough so the people next to us wouldn't hear us.

   "We can't leave now." I whispered looking past Riley seeing people sit next to him.

  We watched the mass which was very interesting to say the least. There wasn't a communion but there was a lot of incense which fogged the place up and also made me want to die because I have always hated the smell.  Everyone who has ever talked to me knows that so when the whole place started to fog up Spencer and Riley couldn't help but laugh a bit.

   About an hour later the mass ended and the people flooded out of the doors but the three of us stayed behind not wanting to go out into the rain. We stood at the back of the church which gave us some weird stares but at the moment we didn't care, we just wanted to find a way home.

   "- Ritual?" Spencer proposed.

   "Do you know how to do one?" I asked.

  "Why would I?"

   "I don't know, your into that kind of media."

   "Yeah but that's not real."

   "Guys the Papa is walking over here!" Riley whisper urgently at us causing me and Spencer to break Up our little argument and to look over in his direction. I held my grip on the helmet that was placed in my hands.

   "Hello, do you three need help?" The man in skull face paint asked the three of us.

   "We need a lot of it." Spencer told the man kind of joking but also not.

  "What can I do?" He had a thick Italian accent.

   "Where do we start?" Riley nervously laughed. They then discussed what had happened but I couldn't bring myself to listen. I felt the burning sensation come back to my chest but I didn't want to say anything about it yet so I put my hand to my chest and rubbed it a bit applying some pressure but my eyes went wide when I felt warm liquid dampening my sweater. The man noticed the dark spot slowly forming on my already dark sweater.

   "Oh my, are you alright?" He asked slightly panicked I didn't say anything I just nodded hoping that they had already discussed how we were getting out of here. Riley and Spencer looked over at me and there eyes went wide.

"We think a demon scratched her and I guess it's just not going away." Riley told the man.

"I'll take her to Sister Imperator. I think she will know what to do. You can come with, we will talk about where you can stay." Papa said and the three of us exchanged nervous glances but we collectively decided that could anything get any worse.

Word count 1000

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