Pt 2

511 15 78

TW- eating disorders, vomit, suicide

We step into OTHERMART.

"So... uh, what do you want?" KEL asks me.

"Let's just leave, KEL. I'm not gonna eat unless I'm gonna die." I say bitterly.

"No, we are not leaving until you pick out something, and if you don't, I will shove it down your throat." KEL says. "You may get to indulge in your depression when there's no one to stop you, but now there is. You don't get to be all sad and suicidal because you are harming other people by harming yourself! YOU DON'T GET TO KILL YOURSELF JUST CAUSE MARI TRIED IT!"

I feel sick at his words. An image of MARI flashes in my head. MARI's crumpled at the bottom of the stairs, almost lifeless. 

Tears stream down my face. I run down the stairs to MARI. There's no way this is happening.

I start choking on my tears. I pick her up in my arms. I feel MARI's breathing, shallow, but still alive.

I cough loudly. I drag MARI upstairs. MARI just needs to rest.

I feel myself vomit. BASIL sees MARI and I. BASIL suggests something, but I don't hear, and he knows this.

I clutch my stomach. BASIL strings up MARI with MARI's brand new jumprope. BASIL thinks this will kill MARI.

I vomit again. AUBREY, HERO, KEL and MOMMY sees MARI.

AUBREY pukes while HERO holds AUBREY's long hair out of AUBREY's face.

HERO cries but tries to be the adult.

KEL rushes to make sure BASIL and I are ok.

And BASIL and I know the truth.

"Honey, are you ok?" I hear, before everything gets even blurry and disapears.

I wake up the hospital. KEL, HERO, and BASIL are beside me.

"Your mom couldn't come, but she's been told." KEL says.

"SUNNY, I heard what happened, I came right away." BASIL says.

"KEL, I'm so sorry I didn't-" I start to say, but am cut off by KEL.

"No. I shouldn't have brought up MARI in the way I did. I shouldn't have told you what I did in that exact wording, but you still need to take care of yourself." KEL tells me.

BASIL speaks up, "KEL is right, SUNNY. I get you're hurting but..." BASIL chokes back tears. "I can't lose you especially because MARI's chance of coming back is little to none."

"I wish MARI were here." I sob.

"We all do." HERO says. "But we have to move on, and as we all know from MARI, suicide doesn't take the pain away. It just passes it to others. At least we know how you feel so we can help you. I can try and get you the help you need, but... it might be hard. But BASIL, KEL, and I won't abandon you."

(438 words)


A/N- a bit short (its really short)

but i do not care

happyness or however you spell it

i wish mari were here to sunny

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