oneshot of Basil slowly dying from hypothermia (not the promised fluff)

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Disturbing fact, I used to make up characters as a super young child and fantasize about them slowly dying of hypothermia. I attempted to write this in a similar style to how i fantasized about my ocs, so this basically sounds like a 5 year old wrote it. i also know nothing about hypothermia. enjoy.


He doesn't know why he's out at this time of night, it feels so strange and unusual and wrong, but he has a strong instinct that something or somebody is out there, so he keeps walking forward, his baggy hoodie not nearly warm enough for him, but pertinent, he pushes through.  At least its not snowing, or even worse, hailing.

Just as he's about to turn back, he hears something.

Soft, faint crying.

He quickly recognizes it as Basil's crying.

He rushes to where the sound is coming from, and sees Basil, in a baggy tank top and shorts, not nearly enough clothes to keep him warm, not in this weather, not in these conditions.

Sunny bends down to look Basil in the eyes, and with careful hands, put his hand to Basil's cheek.

Basil's skin is freezing, and it's so, so cold. He's shivering, shaking, most likely not even aware of the situation. 

Without another moment of doubt, Sunny picks up Basil, and for the first time, realizes how little Basil really weighs. He always knew his friend had issues with his weight, but he didn't know it had gotten this bad. 

I need to talk to him about his eating habits after this is over. When he's no longer cold.

Basil leans in closer to Sunny, shaking. Basil is sobbing now, his tears getting Sunny's hoodie wet. 

As they come to a park bench, Sunny sets Basil down on the bench, and takes off his hoodie and puts it on Basil, and then scoops the blond boy back up.

"I'm cold, Sunny. So cold." Basil mumbles into the black haired boy's hoodie, making it hard for Sunny to hear between his cries.

"I know, I know. But everything's gonna be fine. You aren't going to be in pain for much longer." Sunny reassures him, making his way to his house, walking a bit faster. 

As they arrive in Sunny's house, its cold inside, and Sunny sighs as he realizes the power went out while he was on his walk.

Even without a heater, walls and a roof and blankets should help, right?

Sunny sets Basil down on the couch. Tears come to Sunny's eyes as he realizes Basil isn't shaking or crying or shivering anymore. His body is completely limp, like a doll, and his skin is so pale, and his eyes have a dull look in them, like he isn't fully there.

Sunny's heart seems to skip a beat as he takes in the situation, and quickly runs to grab some blankets.

Goddammit Basil, wait just a few more seconds.

Basil's breathing is slow and shallow, his heartbeat faint.

Sunny speaks, soft, trying to be calm, but the slower Basil's heartbeats get, the faster Sunny's heartbeats become.

"Breathe. You can do it."

Sunny places a hand on Basil's cheek, his skin feeling ice cold.

And then, Basil speaks, his voice calm and cold and accepting of his fate.

"Don't be afraid. It's not painful. Not with you with me."

Tears continue to slip down Sunny's cheek, more afraid of Basil's inevitable death than Basil himself.

Sunny nearly shouts, "Basil! PLEASE stay alive! PLEASE! Stay with me..."

Basil's tone remains calm. "It's hard. Death feels numb. In a good way. Keep holding me. It feels nice. It feels good. I wish you held me like this more often, not just when I was dying."

Sunny chokes back a sob, and continues holding Basil, moving from the floor to the couch, wrapping blankets around him. It doesn't matter though. He's just prolonging the inevitable.

Basil gives a weak laugh. "It happens to us all."

Sunny knows this, but he doesn't want to know this, he wants to be in denial forever, he wants to hug Basil and Basil to laugh and say it was all a joke and the power to come back on. But its all real, and that hurts so much.

The room feels quieter now. 

Was Basil's breathing always this soft?

Gently, Basil reaches his cold hand to Sunny's cheek, guiding Sunny's face to his own, kissing him. It feels wrong to Sunny, so wrong. He feels gross. It feels wrong to kiss someone who's basically a corpse. But if Basil wants it, he's not about to stop his dying friend.

Does he really love me, or are his actions caused by his vulnerable state?

Sunny will never know, and that thought pains him more than anything else right now.

Several minutes later, the kiss ends, and Basil speaks. It feels so odd for Basil to be the one comforting Sunny, considering he's the one dying, but neither boy minds the odd power dynamic except for the obvious fact of Basil's death. "The air. It's so wispy. Like thread or hair or cotton candy. It's hard to breathe when the air is like this."

Sunny doesn't respond, but presses his body against Basil.

Basil speaks again. "It was always like this. It's my lungs that are getting worse. Not the air." 

Sunny leans into Basil, sobbing, his tears soaking the hoodie Basil is wearing. 

The hug is so tight, its impossible to tell where one stops and the other begins.

Sunny finally speaks, his voice so soft and gentle. "I... don't... want... to... say... goodbye..."

He barely manages to get the words out between sobs, tears pouring down his cheeks, his eyes red and puffy. He feels embarrassed, pathetic, selfish, disgusting, that he's the one who's a mess and Basil's so calm, so accepting, even as he dies.

Basil takes a final breath in. "Then don't."

His words are barely audible, barely spoken, hardly more than his lips mouthing the words to Sunny. But it's enough, it's more than enough, for Sunny to smile, one final time, and Basil and Sunny kiss.

And the kiss didn't even go on for a second before Basil breathed out, the last breath, and all remaining life from him slipped away.

His eyes were closed, his skin was so pale, and his heartbeat was non existent.

The lights in Sunny's house flicker.

The power is back on.


AND THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS! 1000 words of Basil fucking dying.

I have no idea why i'm reading this authors note in Alastors voice.

Whatever his name is. Red radio demon bitch who Eris thinks is cool.

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