Pt. 4

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I feel safe here, in BASIL's arms. Like nothing can hurt me. So I keep hugging him the whole time we're in the room, and BASIL doesn't mind. He understands the fear, the loss, the whole incident, the faked suicide. He understands how I feel like everyone abandoned me when really it was me who abandoned them.

We walk out of the room, BASIL and I still holding hands, and make our way down to the reception area at the hospital.

"Hey, can SUNNY SUZUKI be released from the hospital?" HERO asks RECEPTIONIST LADY.

"Well... I'll send a nurse up to check on him... and if he's doing ok then yes." RECEPTIONIST LADY replies.

I head back up to my room, making it there just before the nurse. I'm doing ok, but the nurse informs me I need to eat more.

I agree to eating more although I don't plan to, and leave the hospital with my friends.

We go to KEL'S HOUSE, and by that time HERO needs to start cooking dinner, so he does so, while BASIL, KEL, and I talk and play with HECTOR.

"I wish we were kids again." KEL says.

"Same." BASIL agrees.

"I'm happy being whatever age, as long as I'm with my friends." I respond. "That being said, we need to talk to AUBREY."

"SUNNY,  I'm not so sure that's a good idea. AUBREY has changed a lot, and so have we. It's normal she's going in her own direction. I think she feels left out because... since MARI... the only other girl in the friend group is her." KEL tells me.

"I just wish it were like old times." I comment.

"We all do." BASIL says softly. "At least us four are here with each other, and KEL and I will still be with you even when HERO goes back to college."

"Yeah! We'll all stay together this time, no matter what." KEL says. "You never know, MARI could wake up tomorrow. But the only way to know is if you're around for tomorrow."

"That got dark quickly." BASIL laughs. "But that doesn't need to be said. We'll all be around tomorrow, not only alive, but here with each other too, right?"

"Right." KEL and I say at the same time.

We all sit at the dinner table, and BASIL and KEL make sure I eat. They don't want me passing out again. I do end up eating.

BASIL and I both go home. 

At midnight, BASIL and I meet in my treehouse.

(404 words)

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