Pt 6

332 14 7

OMORI wakes up in the white space.

I look around, adjusting to my body. OMORI is shorter than me, but at one point I was that height. OMORI is also more attractive, a perfect protagonist. It's unclear how he manages this at the age of twelve. 


A/N- upon writing the above paragraph, I realize some things need to be cleared up before continuing. Attractive may have been the wrong word, but I don't know what the right word is, so I'm sticking with that until I find a better one. Sunny calling Omori attractive is not meant in a romantic way, but rather Sunny pointing out the Omori is very idealized.

You can say someone is attractive/good looking in a non romantic/non sexual way. People can agree someone is an attractive in a 'hey, they fit the beauty standard' way, and that is the way I intended this.

Also, sorry it may seem like I'm defending myself over nothing, but one of my biggest fears is being 'cancelled' when its not my fault.

You may now continue with your irregularly scheduled fan-fic


He's the ideal, the hero everyone wants, needs, and deserves. He's perfect.

And best of all, everybody loves OMORI.

I pet MEWO, her soft fur a comfort I lack when I am me.

When I am SUNNY.

But here in WHITE SPACE, as OMORI, MEWO is here for me.


But for the time being, I am not SUNNY.

For the time being, I am OMORI.

I check my pocket to make sure my SHINY KNIFE is still in there.

It is.

I exit WHITE SPACE, and find myself in THE TREEHOUSE.

My friends are here.

"OMORI, I missed you!" AUBREY shouts.

She runs up to me, enveloping me in a hug.

"AUBREY, move!" KEL yells. "I want to say hi to OMORI too!"

"Yeah AUBREY, you're kinda hogging OMORI." HERO points out.

AUBREY takes a step back.

KEL and HERO take their turns hugging me.

"MARI is waiting for us!" HERO tells me, "Do you want to go see her?"

"Yes." I reply. I notice my voice is a bit higher than SUNNY'S.

We exit THE TREEHOUSE, and make our way to the park.

MARI is there, at her picnic basket, like always. Upon seeing me she leaves her spot on the blanket and runs up to me, hugging me.

Her hair is soft and smells vaguely like flowers and happiness. It's long and purple, and whenever she hugs somebody, all you can see is the purple-ness of her hair.

She breaks away from the hug, smiling. 

MARI was always the mother everybody wanted, needed, and deserved. She was more of a mom to me than my real mother was, and HERO was a better father than my own. And MARI and HERO served as the loving parents AUBREY never got, but especially MARI as a mother figure.

Then I see BASIL waiting for us, still sitting on the picnic blanket.

I rush over to him, and fall, almost flattening him. I land inches away from his face. I anxiously scoot away from him.

"OMORI. I missed you so, so, so much." BASIL says, tears welling in his eyes.

Its only been a day.

MARI, HERO, KEL, AUBREY, BASIL and I decide to have a picnic.

After we eat, MARI leans her head on HERO, as HERO plays with strands of her hair.

KEL and AUBREY race around the park, yelling at each other, but also playing like kids.

As for BASIL and I, I find myself in his embrace, his arms around me. He's picking flowers and putting them into my hair, whispering things to me that I can't understand but I know are indicators of love.

I drift off to sleep in his arms.

I find myself in WHITE SPACE. I make a quick journal entry on my computer. 

I then pick up the SHINY KNIFE and STAB.

I crumple to the floor as blood pours from the wound in my chest.

(496 words)

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