Pt 14

267 11 8

It happens just before we try to jump.

AUBREY appears on the rooftop.

"Get the FUCK DOWN!" She screams.

I grab BASIL'S hand harder.

He attempts to back away, and I sink my nails into his flesh.

BASIL cries out in pain. "Stop it SUNNY, you're hurting me!"


Her face is red, her hair is messy, and her bow is missing. 

BASIL starts to cry, attempting to get away from me and the railing. He was so quick to agree to jump, and now so quick to retrace his steps. Does this boy just do whatever the more powerful person tells him? And if so, why does he not see me as the more powerful one?

"Shut up." I tell AUBREY, my voice hard and cold, lacking emotion and empathy.


Before I know it, AUBREY has grabbed both BASIL and I. I try to wrestle out of her hand, but fail to do so. She pulls me with such strength that I'm on the ground. BASIL is sobbing, half hugging AUBREY from behind. 

He looks...


Of me?

"Stop caring about me." I whisper, and then my voice crack, and I break down crying as well.

AUBREY, however, is emotionally stronger than us.

She picks me up, deciding I am much too dangerous to be free, and heads back inside, BASIL closely following her. She takes the elevator, and I can't see which floor we're headed to.

Its the lobby.

AUBREY politely tells BASIL to go to MARI'S room. Then, she walks off with me. She goes to where the family bathrooms are, and goes inside.

She finally lets me down.

"WHAT was THAT?" She screams.

I mutter something inaudible. 

"Not ONLY did you attempt to jump, but you decided to get BASIL to do it with you too!" She says harshly, although it is deserved.

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"NO. You don't get to be sorry! How many almost deaths are you responsible for? MARI is in a coma, BASIL attempted because you don't care about him, you attempted because you don't care about yourself, and BASIL almost did it with you. I'm getting you put in a mental hospital because I care about you, ok! You are a danger to not only yourself but others!"

"What do you mean about me causing MARI'S almost death?" I say.

"She attempted because we were terrible friends. AND I BET IT WAS YOU THE MOST. HOW DO YOU NOT REALIZE THIS SHIT?"

"I'm sorry" I say again, crying. I hug AUBREY.

She hugs me back.

"MARI woke up. That's how her condition changed. You thought she died." AUBREY realizes.

I nod my head.

"I guess I understand. But even if she really did die, you can't give up on life just because of that."



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