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-Dissociates a lot (kinda cannon, kinda projecting)



-INTP (im projecting cause i kin sunny lol)

-knows a bit of programming

-Androgynous in a masculine way

-Knows morse code, binary code, and Caesar cipher, and can translate it from memory

-Memorized the stupidest shit as a kid




-Self harms


-Anxiety (General anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder) (totally not just saying this cause im a Basil kinnie and projecting my disorders onto him)


-Femmine in a masculine but also femmine way

-Concerning snaps on snapchat, denies it when someone asks about them





-Celebrates Mari's bday every year even though she's dead/in a coma (depending on if you're talking about my au or the normal game.) 


-Femmine in a masculine way

-Didn't know what people were talking about when they said "clock app"

-Wishes he'd become a chef instead of a doctor


-Trans (ftm) (cause originally his name was Kelsey, but then it got changed)

-Wore that neon clothing in elementary 




-Masculine in a masculine way

-Eats just about everything

-Voted for Donald trump because he thought it said donald duck

-hes underage, he cant vote

-Kel how the fuck are you allowed to vote

-ok he actually didn't vote for donald trump, he legit voted for donald duck

-how is Kel allowed to vote

-why would he vote for donald duck?






-Masculine in a feminine way

-Is dating/has a crush on Kim

-Failed the PSSAs

-The type to punch holes into walls

-Loves the song Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me

-Would listen to Scene Queen



-the causer of half the posts on r/mildlyinfuriating





-Likes painting with watercolors

-Femmine in an androgynous way

-Wishes she had heterochromia 

-Has a channel on youtube she sings on, that has 6 subs. Hero, Sunny, Basil, Kel, Aubrey, and Hero's alternate account

-Is actually really good at singing

-Used to love astronomy

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