❦ Chapter Five ❦

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After the camera stopped reordering, Katherine took her daughter's hand and waved to the crowd as they walked through the doors. She politely smiled and greeted young royals and nobles as she passed them. 

Thea silently followed her to her small office. 'I wonder what on earth she could be wanting to talk about. The only time she grabs my hand like that is because she's going to chew me out.' She thought to herself, fakely smiling at those she passed.

Katherine closed the door behind her and her mood changed. Her polite smile vanished and was replaced with a frown, and her eyes narrowed. "What was that?" She snapped, letting go of her hand and crossing her arms.

Thea rolled her eyes and plopped down on a chair in the corner, putting her feet up on the ottoman. "What was what? Whatever do you mean, Mom? I have no clue what you are meaning." She asked, feigning innocence with a smile. 

"Cut the innocent façade! You could have looked a little more thrilled about drawing the names! All eyes are on you and if they get the gist of your true feelings they will eat you alive and then have fun defending yourself to the media." Katherine exclaimed, making various hand gestures.

Thea swallowed harshly, having to keep up her cavalier façade. She held her head up high and turned her expression passive as she locked eyes with her mother. "You worry too much." She passively said, glancing at her nails.

Katherine held in a scoff at her daughter's passive tone. "Worry? I am Regent! It's my job to worry, especially with your whole future riding on the lines here." She clenched her fists at her wide, emerald green and black nails digging into her palms.

Thea sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and tapping her fingers on her arm. "They'll pass it off as being tired. I did give an interview last night for the ten o'clock news talking about how excited I was for this school year." 

Katherine rapidly tapped her foot on the floor. "You can hope they do or better yet, won't take notice since that's the last thing you need to happen!" She walked around to her desk and sat down. "You've got to become the master at masking your feelings as I have. It takes practice."

Thea listened to the words of her mother. "I have. I thought I did pretty good at masking my tiredness in front of the whole world." She indifferently said, twisting a lock of hair around her finger.

Katherine looked up at her daughter, the concealer was starting to wear off showing dark circles under Thea's eyes. "Pretty good isn't good enough." She reminded her and placed her hands on her desk. "You have to strive for perfection. The smallest falter will be your downfall."  

Thea gritted her teeth when her mother said strive for perfection as if she hadn't been doing it her whole life. "Yes, Mom, I'll keep that in mind." She passively-aggressively agreed, having her head a slow nod.

"Since your father and I divorced, I've spent my life dedicated to maintaining your image so everyone sees a girl who is ready to become queen." Katherine reminded Thea, folding her arms on her desk.

Thea rested her cheek in her hand as her mother spoke. Inwardly she was mocking her but on the outside, she was nodding and listening. "I know," She finally said, after leaving her mother in a few moments of silence.

Katherine raised her eyebrows and frowned. "I don't think you do. The royal court is like a pack of starving wolves, ready to attack the slightest inkling of weakness." She firmly reminded her daughter, painting a pretty realistic picture. "They will try and tear you down, judge you for everything, especially since you'll be taking the throne at such a young age."

"My brother had to endure that when our parents died. I saw firsthand how cruel the court can be. It isn't like what's painted in movies, it's far worse and everyone plays mind games with the words they speak. Their tongues are like a honey-coated spoon with a knife on the other side."

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