❦ Chapter One ❦

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It had been a busy fall morning, everyone in the Cotillion Hotel was busy cleaning up breakfast, taking luggage to rooms, changing out towels, and checking people in.

The Royal Charm Academy gave them the most business they have had all year. People were coming just to see the opening speech and scholarship winners announcement, or just a chance to get onto TV.

A young woman was sitting in a cushy chair at the front desk, her fingers twisting the ribbon tied around her neck as her hazel eyes looked at the screen in front of her. She blew her brown bangs from her eyes, noting they were getting a nuisance and she ought to cut them.

She watched someone approach her desk after having walked through the automatic doors greeted by the cheerful gray-haired doorman. She stood up and brushed off her red skirt and tugged at the matching vest with a bright smile. "Hello, welcome to the Cotillion Hotel. I'm Sidney Barnes, your clerk. How can I help you today?" 

The man ran a hand through his messy brown hair, his jade-green eyes dazzled brightly as he eyed the girl. "Yes, I would like a room for two. I am not too sure about how long I will be staying, but every night I will pay if that is okay." He told her and before she even had to ask who was the second. "My wife is busy being picky about the baggage, she should be along shortly."

Sidney closed her mouth since he had taken the words right from her, keeping a smile on her lips. 'He is a handsome guy, good-looking for his age. If I were into older guys I wouldn't hesitate to say yes.' She thought, pushing her bangs from her eyes.

She realized she had been staring too long and hadn't said a single word. "Of course, you can do that." She quickly agreed, giving a nod. "I will need you to get ready the card you will be using and your name?"

The man reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, and held the card he had pulled out. "Marshall Messing, my wife is Joy Messing, we would prefer two keys if that is alright with you guys. She will be returning the second key when she leaves." He explained, his tone sweet and bright, to match his smile.

"Just slide your card and follow what it says. I will get you two keys and then I will also show you to your room." Sidney stood up and walked over to the little cubby holes and grabbed a key for room number 234. "Let me get your bags." She walked back over and handed him the keys.

Marshall toom the keys from her with a smile. "Thank you, m'lady." He turned around on his heels and sighed when he saw his wife giving the bellhops such a hard time and he felt bad for them.

Sidney walked over and held onto the cart, nodding to the bellhop who was being given a hard time by Joy. "Thank you, Bernard," She smiled politely at the young man. "I believe Mr. Zhang is waiting on fresh towels in room 130." She watched the young man walk away, who gave her a thank you with a little two-finger salute to which she gave a nod.

Joy turned to Sidney, her dark brown eyes eyed the girl up and down. Flipping her golden blonde hair to her back, raised her eyebrows. "Why are you standing there? Lead the way." She snapped rudely, motioning for her to show them the way with her hand.

Sidney simply smiled and pivoted on her heels, leading them toward the elevator, and pulling the cart beside her. "Follow me." She glanced back to make sure they were following and sure enough, they were.

Joy rolled her eyes at how Sidney chose to reply. "This place is going to get a low-star review by the time I leave." She commented, pulling her sunglasses off her head and folding them up, slipping them into her purse.

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